
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. AG458

    5 Gallon Saltwater Tank: Stocking?

    As the title says, I'm considering purchasing a 5 gallon saltwater tank by Fluval. It will be my first saltwater tank EVER, so I'm hoping I can get some support as I go about this process! I know that gallons of saltwater can be purchased to fill the tank, so I've got that down. However, I have...
  2. D

    How many Bichirs could I have in a 150 gallon?

    Hello all! I have a fully cycled 150 gallon tank with 4 angels and 5 clown loaches. I have a BGK and will be getting some Bichirs, so here is my question. How many Bichirs could I get and not be pushing an unhealthy stocking level? Only upper jaws. Nothing huge. I have a sponge filter, 575 gph...
  3. Davidiator

    Fish Stocking Of A 150

    Alright, So my plan is to get a 150/125 gallon tank as soon as I find a great deal on Craigslist or something. And I need help stocking I think I have got it figured out but I am not too sure. Stocking: 1 BGK (already own it, it is center fish) 5 Clown Loaches (already own them) 4 Pictus...
  4. xDestro

    What to add?

    I have a 75 I want to add a few species to but I'm not sure on what. Current stock: 1 large syno Notatus 7"-9" 1 large eb acara 4"-5" 1 small Bush fish 1"-2" 1 Senegal bichir 4"-6" 1 delhezi bichir 6"-8" I want to add something for more activity at both bottom and top. I was thinking a couple...
  5. R

    Stocking Ideas

    I'm thinking of starting an aggressive 100 gallon tank. I was wondering if anyone had ideas for stocking
  6. PGJE

    100 gallon stocking?

    I am going to get a 100 gallon tank in a month or two and i was wondering what i should stock it with? There will be two turtles (that can never catch fish, Iv'e had them for a while and want to upgrade their tank), a place and some large comet goldfish. are there any large fish that can go into...
  7. Greenboy

    Another Stocking Question

    Hi guys, I was wondering if it would be acceptable to house an Oscar in a 120gal with about 5-6 Spotted Silver Dollars, and 4 or so of a Thorichthys species? The tank dimensions are 4' x 2' x 2' and I feel as if i have more than adequate filtration... my worry is that if i went ahead with the...
  8. R

    Biggest Fish Possible in 7ft tank

    Hello All! I'm dying to get a Monster tank in my home with some monster sized fish. However, due to spacial limitations the biggest I can go is 7' L x 2' W. Not exactly "monster" but I'll take what I can get. I can make the tank anywhere from 24" tall to 36". This will result in a tank that...
  9. Vandyfan13


    currebrly in my 29 I have two blue green chromis. 1 Valentini puffer I want to add 2 clownfish and a diamondback goby is that to much?
  10. A

    Nicaragua/Costa Rica Biotope Stocking Questions

    Hello! I'm just getting back into the hobby after being down to one single fish for the past 7 years or so and I'm setting up a 75 gallon tank. I have settled on doing a biotope aquarium of either Nicaragua or Costa Rican fishes (most of the fish I'm considering exist in both countries. I...
  11. xDestro

    125 stocking

    Well instead of doing a 20gal bonsai tree tank I decided to get a 125 on black Friday for around $300 (assuming they have them on sale) It will replace my 75.. The fish I will keep from the 75: • large eb acara •large syno Notatus • 5"+ Senegal bichir • 6"+ delhezi bichir • 2" leaf fish What I...
  12. FishBeast

    Stocking opinions please...

    Hi! I am thinking about stocking options for my 210 which will house polypterus. I was going to put in 4 american cichlids (JD, severum, firemouth and EB acara) but decided I just want to just have 4-6 oddballs in addition to the polys. The small albino sen will also go with the cichlids in a...
  13. xDestro

    Will my fish work with a planted tank?

    Large syno Notatus 2 bichirs 2 eels tire track and zip zag Large AB acara - ik they have been known to dig but I have never seen it close to the bottom unless asleep or I'm going tank maintenance
  14. J

    Stocking 150 gallon

    Okay so I'm in looking for a 150 to 200 gallon tank to start up a American cichlid tank just want some help on stocking, Here are some of the fish I am interested in putting in there and I'm just wondering if it could work?? I'm new to all of the American cichlids currently I have a 75 gallon...
  15. R

    Stocking the 90 gallon

    Hi everyone, I’ll just quickly introduce myself; I am a new member to the site but have been browsing for a fairly long time. I am Canadian and am currently in a biology program hoping to specialize further into aquatic animals. I have had my current 90 gallon planted tank running for about 2...
  16. R

    Breeding Rosy Red Minnows

    A couple questions here... I am new to this yes, and have been on here and researching and searching the net (although have found more about breeding for feeding purposes and 'keeping you minnows & fry alive' for feeding purposes..yet I am wanting them only as they are the only...
  17. AG458

    Tough (future) decisions...

    So I went to my LFS earlier today, and they had some interesting fish in stock that I'd consider for the future. The question is: which ones should I get? I'll list the standouts here (most of which I learned about on this website): -Golden Datnoid -Pike Cichlid -Ocellaris Pbass -Silver Arowana...
  18. D

    Help with 5 empty tanks that need filled

    Hello all, I've been on this site years ago when I was in college, but it has changed a lot in a few years. I just started my career of teaching Biology to high school students and was looking for some advice on stocking. In the past I have experience keeping CA/SA cichlids, Malawi Cichlids...
  19. AG458

    Stocking Adjustment Question

    As the owner of three potential giants (CK, pbass, black ear pangasius) and a medium-sized pleco, I've been told my 60g is overstocked. As of now, everyone in my tank is doing well; none of my fish are over 7 inches. I wish I could keep them all, but my tank limits my options. I am looking at an...
  20. xDestro

    Upgrade to 125 or wait?

    Basically found a 125 gallon for $100 and I'm considering getting in and having it replace a 75. But would it be better to wait for say a 180+ gallon to pop up? I guess the real question is how many more stocking options do I have with a 2ft wide tank?