1100 set up

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
How big is Stanley now?

I once helped move a niger from a 400 gallon into a 5000 heated pond. no blood but I do remember it was a crazy experience tail wiping and water everywhere! he was about 30-36 inches
We called him the vaccume!
Vacuum is a perfect description!!! Stanly was made for cleaning up massivor pellets. Gravel, pellets, small children go in and just gravel comes out the gills. Everything else is gone! I love that name!!! Just guessing the inner dimensions of my tank is 46” front to back and when he turns he almost touches, so a good guess is 44”
Endi’s. These guys I got 19 years ago and they still had external gills. Started with 6. Two were rated by their siblings. Fish keeping fail. And one died about a year ago. I’m guessing these guys are about a foot? Hard to tell. I love em and want more l!




Not sure about these two? Rescuers. Cichlids for sure. I like em. They pound on the Jag which makes me happy but other wise cool fish. Sometimes they go after the Dats but typically the Dats don’t even acknowledge they are even in the tank. They are always together.


I am shocked those Endlis only hit a foot, figured they’d be two easy. Should definitely get a wild* congicus/Ansorgii so you get some 30 inchers one day!
Yeah 19 was wrong. Should of said 10 years. But I agree these are captive bred and I would love to get some wild larger types.
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Vacuum is a perfect description!!! Stanly was made for cleaning up massivor pellets. Gravel, pellets, small children go in and just gravel comes out the gills. Everything else is gone! I love that name!!! Just guessing the inner dimensions of my tank is 46” front to back and when he turns he almost touches, so a good guess is 44”

that’s a big boy!! I dig the blue eyes.