wow three days of reading and worth every minute. what an awesome thread for a noob to get a taste of what a dedicated aquarist can do. i could not give higher accolades to you 12v. truely inspiring.
being new i have a bunch of questions i hope you don'd mind me asking?
i see AC110 alot. is that an aquaclear 110 hob filter? it seems very popular.
why do you have the hob filter? i would think the two xp3's provide plenty of filtering. also is there a concern about keeping o2 levels in your water? my xp3 has alot of flow but nothing really breaking the surface. from your pics it looks like your xp3 flow is similar.
while on xp3's how do you load your baskets?
do you keep them running during the water changes?
how often do you open them up and when you do, how do you clean them?
what light do you use on the 150g? is there a certain type of light that is better for fish when you only have fake plants?
in your 65 i think you just have the estes substrate. how do live plants grow in that? i thought they needed something special to feed live plants? also on the 65 it looked like just a hob filter? it seems like so little to me but being new, i just dont have the experience yet and this must be adequate.
most importantly what happened after the 07/01 post about the white feces? was it just a protien thing and they have all been fine? they sure look like it in the pics i just didn't see where you confirmed it.
again thank you for the totally awesome thread.

i can't wait to jump from my 45 up to 150 / 180. it will have barbs for sure just because of this!!
thanks in advance - dave