12 Volt Man's Aqueon 150 Gallon Startup Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hey 12V been a while. Liking the new setup. You've got bala sharks? Awesome, how many you got in there. I've kept them before but in too small a tank. I'm moving house in 3 months and I'm buying a 120 Gallon (UK gallon 4.54 litres) so I'm gonna keep my loaches and add 5 balas. Cannot wait!
thanks, I have three Balas that are growing fast. they eat like pigs. I figure in a year the barbs and sharks will all be 12", the severum will be 8" and all the cats will be big,.

the clowns are slow growing so they might take a while, although they have grown a lot since we got them. I know they grow quick up to 4" or so and then seem to slow down