12 Volt Man's Aqueon 150 Gallon Startup Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yanker;3625580; said:
Maybe get a clown knife, some bala sharks, silverdollars, etc..

yeah I am going to comb the LFS's for ideas.

I figure what ever I get has to meet a few criteria:

1. will not get too big - 5 adult tinfoils are going to take up the majority of the room in the tank. I am expecting an adult size of 12 to 14".

2. eats aggressively so as not to starve.

3. won't be aggressive or nippy at all..

The tank looks amazing like always 12 volt man.
thanks. I took in the filaments this morning.

holy crap catching them out of that tank is brutal. even with all the plastic plants/decor out.

its like standing on the side of a swimming pool and trying to catch a fish with a net.

and I am an experienced catcher, having worked at a LFS for 8 years..

but we never had 6 foot 150g 30"tall tanks with two cross braces on them either :)

I was eventually able to develop a pattern to get all 5. I placed a net in the water at one end which tended to make the fish stay away from it.

the twin braces made using two nets at once (while standing on a stool) almost impossible..

I then managed to corner them at the other end and scoop up in the corner to net..
only got to page 22 but very nice setup, i got similar size tank, i read a thread about weight of tanks, basically urs is sitting on 4 legs so pounds per inch is really high. after i read the thread i looked at my set up which had been sitting on my floor least 6 month. my had 8 legs so bit less pound per inch pressure, my legs were digging into my floor. so legs went now my tank (stand) lies flat on floor. given me alot less pounds per inch. just quick thought, keep eye on ur floor
thanks. I made maplewood feet before I filled the tank to reduce some of the "punching force". its about 450 pounds per foot. I have a poured concrete slab basement with a thin subfloor with laminate flooring.

when I am ready to move from this house ( probably not until I am married :) ie a long time LOL haha) I will able to see if they left an indentation.

I can't see how it wouldn't with that much force...

you can see the feet in this old pic I took:

Excited to hear what you get, its an interesting and somewhat difficult criteria you have to fill for it to be successful.

My tank is dedicated to the clowns and flagtail now, so no messy or hungry mid water fish for me. The clowns are gonna get all the food and grow quicker than normal with nice big weekly changes. They seem to get a poor life alot of the time - people seeing them as "bottom feeders" eating scraps and growing really really slowly. I'll see if I can speed them up a bit. My previous fish have held them down as they stole all the food in the past...
one fish that may work is a fish that I have been looking for since I set up this tank.

geophagus brasilensis. I had a trio of them before and they would swim up to the top to beg for food just as these barbs do, so I know they can eat along with them. they don't get too huge and were fairly peaceful (use to fight amongst each other a bit but never touched my other fish).

however, I can't seem to find any in my area... we shall see..
I searched that one. They are so not my thing. I am sooo not into cichlids it's unreal...I actually thought you where the same as you tend to favour nice long bodied fish.

I also hate all those parot fish and all those other fish that seem to look the same with different patterns or colours.

Your call of course.

Isn't there anything else?

no, I have a thing for south american cichlids as well as barbs :)

always have. I have kept most of them at one time or another, including discus for most of the 90's...

when I set up the 50g under my 65 I might just put some discus in there..:)

I have been away from discus for too long..

geo brasiliensis can be really great looking:

but I can't find any..lol
