12 Volt Man's Aqueon 150 Gallon Startup Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Have you considered getting a bigger growing plec? Perhaps a rare L number or just a common. It would have no trouble getting food since mines usually just eats cucumber and courgette on the bottom.

Reason I say is you do have a lovely wide open space there a big plec would love.
a big common pleco woud like nice
thanks! I actually have got some medicated pellets for these fish. every now and then I notice sort of stringy feces which is not normal, and yesterday, after feeding, I had 4 fat fish and 1 not so fat fish swimming around..not sure if its just the food or an internal problem. it could be just nothing.

it could be that the skinny fish is not so crazy about the sticks/pellets, because it eats colour bits like crazy..

but if there is an internal problem, I figure some medicated pellets (the ones Jungle makes) won't hurt..

I won't medicate the tank with anything as I learned that lesson once before: had one sick geophagus with three healthy ones, medicated the tank, wiped out the biofilter (nitrite spike immediately) and killed 2 of the three fish ..

but I have used these medicated pellets before (while at the LFS we used to feed it to everything that came in wild caught) and they should help if there is an internal problem

if there isn't an internal problem, its not going to hurt them or put them at risk.

the black on black really looks nice and it makes the red stand out (and hides the algae) but the tinfoil feces stands out against the black gravel quite a bit.

but thats the tradeoff I guess for having them look nice against the dark backdrop..
oohh... doesnt look good. i hope whatever's affecting him goes away!

oh and a big plec would look nice! particularly an L001 or a common.