12 Volt Man's Aqueon 150 Gallon Startup Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
considering these fish have been in relative isolation (other than the filament barbs) I can only assume that this affliction was probably in this fish from the beginning.

up until now, it has not affected its appetite or growth, it is one of the largest of my school..

will the curse of this tank ever end? LOL
You truely are cursed, but let us know if this stuff works. What is it called and can you get it in the uk? Is it just for general internal parasites, like loaches could have?
those pellets work ok, but I really prefer getting metro or prazi as you can control the dosage in the food better since its really supposed to be dosed mg per kg and those pellets are mainly designed for smaller mass fish. Good luck and hopefully they stay well!
msjinkzd;3660526; said:
those pellets work ok, but I really prefer getting metro or prazi as you can control the dosage in the food better since its really supposed to be dosed mg per kg and those pellets are mainly designed for smaller mass fish. Good luck and hopefully they stay well!


the ones I bought are for pondfish, so they should be fine in terms of larger massed fish.

its these ones:


it contains metro, prazi and levamisole (which is the only thing that works against camallanus worms, although that is not what these fish have)

however, given the curse this tank seems to have, no doubt they will get that next LOL
12 Volt Man;3665038; said:
haha thats by sam raimi! I love the evil dead series and bruce campbell is God.

it is definitely on my list of movies I want to see, along with Inglorious Basterds.

Wow, I too am a massive Evil Dead and Bruce fan. You need to see it, I saw it in the cinema and it blew me away. It's got similar humour and it's fun! Watch it on a big widescreen!