4300 Gallon Plywood Build (3600+ Take 2)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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Glad to see that you got this tank build revived Pete...this is just way too amazing of a tank to not get completed! Can't wait to see some lucky fish stretching their fins in this monster.
WOW! just spent last night and all of today reading this, once again only about half of it made sense to me but it is truly amazing! I've only been keeping fish for 9 months, already I've upgraded my tank from 25g to 80g and now I want that! To think my friends think mine is big! This has been really inspirational, thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. I cant wait to see it finished.

Now I wonder if my parents really need a dining room...
Still reading the updates....:popcorn:
Good luck Pete! I just got married myself a month ago, and its amazing how it can take over your entire life for a while. Especially when you sell a house and move in with your parents the month before the wedding. Now we're in the process of buying a new house. If everything works out, we'll be moving in in 30 days, and I may have my own build thread not long after that!

Can't wait to see this finished. Its really too bad the Permadri waterproofing didn't work out (yes, I remember, it was operator error, not product error). I guess as long as it gets done and holds water it doesn't matter what keeps the water in.

Hope to see some updates when you get the time to post them. Good luck!
Had to go to the emergency room Tuesday of last week for obstructed vision in my left eye. They call it an ocular occlusion and I've been playing guinea pig and pin cushion for the doctors as they run a bunch of tests to see if anything else is wrong with me.

Stay tuned. I should be getting the liner soon. The wife just bought 5 redfoot tortoises, so it'll be in the next few weeks before she can buy it.
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