4300 Gallon Plywood Build (3600+ Take 2)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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Ken and I were talking today about another probable solution. It draws me back to the frame I initially had planned for the back of the window with a recess to fill with Dow 795. That would forego a liner of any kind. It surely would validate my faith in Permadri products. We'll see how this free liner pans out. I do have some concerns about vinyl since historically it isn't fish friendly and doesn't handle a bio load very well. Clear plastic products yellow very easily under the same conditions as well. I'm willing to give it a shot though.
Looks Like someone Deleted a Bunch of POSTS!
I guess someone decided that the "CEO" was trying to use the forum for free advertising and deleted all posts related to the incident. I don't know if that was the case, but it was certainly a possibility.
my apologies to the mods for adding to the mix. it won't happen again.

sorry i posted this twice. something i did wrong with the quick post.

I've started work on the frame for behind the window. Decided to try what Ken and I discussed and see if my original plan will work out. It would be great to be wrong about the front seal being the culprit and have a huge stamp of approval on my Permadri application. Stay tuned!
Tuned B*$@H....I am so Tuned! I am stil waiting to be able to actually take pics of you diving in there...and the wife...
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