4300 Gallon Plywood Build (3600+ Take 2)

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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 2, 2008
The deep south
good you got the fever pete...i can use some more goonch for my fleet of 4 when u get ur importing underway :) I have my fingers crossed for you in these final moments.


MFK Member
Jan 8, 2009
Bangkok, Thailand
Good luck and get well Pete.
You got an awesome time ahead.
- Monster Tank filling up
- Baby Room filled up
- Electricity Bill going down (with the baby sleeping or making noise, forget about putting on the tv or stereo...lol)
Look forward to the end of this week.

Sent from my iPad using MonsterAquariaNetwork app


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
May i ask why you are not willing to post pictures?
If you look through this thread, you'll see that I'm hardly not willing to post pictures. See post http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/f...3600-Take-2)&p=5446381&viewfull=1#post5446381 for the last pictures I took of the frame behind the window before I coated it with Permadri Rubber Coat. I think I tried taking pictures of it after it was coated and the detail didn't really show, so I didn't post them. Just imagine that frame black like the rest of the tank and that's what it looks like now. Sorry to disappoint!


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
Busy day moving fish from the 15 ft. x 4 ft. deep swimming pool inside my friend Jack's great room to the two ponds outside. I'll post some pics later after I'm doing acclimating my new acquisitions; giraffe catfish, clown knife, huge male midas that I'll be auctioning off at our next aquarium club meeting on April 7th at my house, another foot long banded leporinus to replace the one I lost, and 4 more flagtail prochilodus. Unfortunately, there were some casualties of unknown number of (at least 3) huge longnose distichodus, a buttikoferi, and a few banded leporinus. Some fish just don't handle the stress of moving well even though the water is pretty much the same. The distichodus simply don't like water changes at all.

Oh, and I'm going to start test filling the tank when I'm done acclimating fish. :D


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
It's about 9" out of 72" filled right now. I plan to fill it to just above the bottom frame on the window and stop for the night. That is the first critical point. Pending success with that, the next stop will be at the original leak point of just above 30" out of 72" filled. Keep fingers crossed and say a prayer.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
Checked on it just as it was hitting right up under the bottom frame board and found that the primary bulkhead was leaking. Evidently, it got backed off enough to leak after the last test. I attempted to hand tighten it and it wouldn't budge any more.Drained the tank down to the bulkheads and will work on tightening it up tomorrow. I'm also going to pick up one of those 2" roll out hoses to replace the 2" pvc plumbing out the door. Should prevent this from happening again.

The other 3 bulkheads didn't have any problems because only this one has the pipe connected to it moved. Minor setback, but we'll be moving forward tomorrow. I'll probably end up making my own 2" bulkhead nut wrench out of a 1x4 since I don't want to put metal tools on the plastic nut. I don't know of a tool that I could buy that meets my criteria. I do remember seeing plastic wrenches for use on household water purifiers that might do the trick, but not sure of the size.

Anyone have suggestions? I know the tool I'm looking for has to exist. I can't be the first person who wants to tighten a 2" bulkhead nut without damaging the plastic.
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