4300 Gallon Plywood Build (3600+ Take 2)

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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Started working on the 32 gallon canisters. I have to go to Lowe's tomorrow at lunch to pickup some pvc fittings to retrofit the two holes in the top of them. The plan is for the water to enter the larger hole and exit the smaller one which will feed a pump that will return water to the tank. I don't know which media I will use in the canisters, but I suspect they will be more chemical than biological, but there is the possibility of both. Only time and experimentation will tell.

I'm feeling antsy about the lack of 2x6 tabs tying in the back wall to the floor, so I think I'm going to do one of two things:

1) get 8"-10" lag bolts and bolt the floor to the back wall from both sides alternating every foot.


2) get 12" threaded rod and bolt the floor the the back wall every 18"

Some of those 10" decking screws might make that an easy job. As it says on the box, "They zip right in!". Then you can connect the back wall to your interior floor with out removing anything or drilling in the concrete.

I would put a washer on the heads though in your case.
Sorry, you'll have to forgive my flu-addled brain at the moment, but what are you trying to prevent (or accomplish) by lag bolting the back wall to the floor?
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