4300 Gallon Plywood Build (3600+ Take 2)

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Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
No, they are 2" for water exiting the tank. Each screen is rated for around 11K gph flow.

I could have gone with one larger bulkhead, but I like redundancy for problems like a ray deciding to sit on top of one of them and to pull water from different places in the tank.

have a dozen different ideas and reasons for doing each of them, so that's why I asked for some feedback.

A couple that I like.

I could put pairs at the bottom on each side for better detritus collection, but that also has the potential of substrate getting sucked into them and building up in the external flexible pipe.

I could put one at Mid-Upper and Mid-Lower on each side for good coverage for circulation.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Dec 27, 2008
I would put a pair near the surface for upper level skimming, and then the other pair closer to the bottom for lower level debris clearing.

The only thing I'd be worried about with having the lower pair of bulkheads would be a power outage and the tank draining. If you can ensure that that can't happen, then that's what I'd do.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 16, 2009
Abu Dhabi/NJ
nolapete;3780040; said:
but I like redundancy Redundancy is the mother of all prevention...

I could put pairs at the bottom on each side for better detritus collection, but that also has the potential of substrate getting sucked into them and building up in the external flexible pipe.
You think much sub will get past those screens?

Conner;3780338; said:
I would put a pair near the surface for upper level skimming, and then the other pair closer to the bottom for lower level debris clearing.

The only thing I'd be worried about with having the lower pair of bulkheads would be a power outage and the tank draining. If you can ensure that that can't happen, then that's what I'd do.
This was my thought as well...


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Dec 27, 2008
nolapete;3780628; said:
Substrate is most likely going to have a lot of sand, so yes through 3/32" holes of the screen sand will easily pass through.
I'd put the drains about 2' off the bottom, and then direct a few powerheads to blow different directions across the substrate to help keep any debris/poop/food in the water column where it will get sucked into the drains. 2' of height should be enough that not much, if any, sand will get sucked into the drains. Might still happen though, with rays and big catfish in the tank.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 4, 2007
Tempe AZ
nolapete;3780429; said:
All my filtration is closed loop, so no chance of tank draining unless something leaks.

I've thought about installing skimmer boxes in the two top ones. Kind of like the leaf catchers in swimming pools.

This is a good idea to get oils and crap off the surface. It would me nice to valve these also for feedings. Hate to filter uneaten food!


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 1, 2007
New Orleans, LA
I just came up with an idea for surface skimming and I'd only need one or two more bulkheads to do it. Two would be better for increased flow and redundancy.

It will allow me to skim the entire surface.

This is very cool. I wish I had thought of this before. It would be great to use on PVC overflow intakes.

Slice 1/3 section off of whatever size pipe you are using. In my case 2". To get the idea of what I'm talking about, make a O with your thumb and index finger then open it up about the same amount as the length of your thumb past the joint.

You'll need two end caps that fit the pipe and a T the same size as your pipe.

Insert the cut pipe into the T with the cut section facing up. Put the end caps on the ends of the pipe.

Plumb the T to the bulkhead or pvc overflow.

If more than one bulkhead, add additional Ts and plumb them up accordingly.

This may even take care of some of the gurgling on PVC overflows.

This is so cool, I'll be able to skim the entire length of the tank.
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