Got some additions coming to the 600. A bunch of hornwort is on order and I’m going to try to float it. Not sure how good that’ll work given the overflows and the flow from the pumps. But going to try anyway.
also have some new fish coming.Two Leporinus Brunneus, 3 more Festae at 3-4”, and six Hoplerythrinus Unitaeniatus are expected to arrive this week. It’s a gamble with the gold wolf fish since keeping them in groups is hit or miss. Picture attached are NOT mine but we’re pulled from the net to show the two species being added.
keeping my fingers crossed that ultimately the umbee pair can be kept with a few tankmates. This stock is a bit of trial and error. There is a dude inEurope with a 700 gallon where he is keeping a breeding pair of umbee with a breeding pair of festae and some other fish like large Crenicichla and severums. I’m hoping that the school of festae will act as a cichlid target fish for the umbee and allow me to have a pair of them grow up and coexist. The cichlid count will thin out over time as will at least one species of characin.
The SD’s, Hemiodus, and Hoplerythrinus are to see which characin can work with them long term. Feeling good about the Gold Wolves surviving the umbee but not sure how they’ll coexist with eachother. The Hemiodus, which are like South American Characin versions of Bala Sharks are the biggest risk from its mates since they’re docile. We shall see. The SD’s are the safest bet and giving the tank size and scape, they should last.
im going to be posting this setup in separate threads going forward.
First, I want to chronicle the gold wolves living as a group long term. There are a few older threads in here with them in a group but none that showed them lasting to adult size. I’m hoping this thread will definitively answer the question since a 600 is certainly a large enough tank to try them as a group.
the second set of posts will be on the Darienheros Calobrensis since there isn’t much out there on them and I want future hobbyist to have something of a record. Assuming they do well long term of course.
lastly, the umbee deserve their own thread. So I’ll have a thread devoted to just them.
this thread will still get periodic updates but will be dormant for a while. Keeping this thread For myself more than anything so I can look back on these setups in the future