96 x 30 x 24 Tank and Arowana Species

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Children play nice... OP please try and keep thread spam down and everyone else behave. Thanks.
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So you're saying that the Jardini and the Asian Arowana will be fine in a 96 x 30 x 24?

Yep, that's exactly what many of us have been saying here and on other similar threads. About 24" though you can see some disagreement even among experienced member. I personally would not -- in fact I'm kicking myself now for going with 32" instead of 36" wide tanks. A 24" will be ok for maybe a couple of years, but then you'll have to dish out big bucks for a whole new tank.

All of that said, I honestly cannot again in good faith recommend any kind of Arowana to those new/newish to the hobby -- others might disagree but imho it's kind of like getting your first driver's license and going out to buy a Porsche or a Dodge Hellcat as your first car -- best to ease into, get some experience and then move on to something more challenging, just my 2 cents.
I personally would not -- in fact I'm kicking myself now for going with 32" instead of 36" wide tanks. A 24" will be ok for maybe a couple of years, but then you'll have to dish out big bucks for a whole new tank.

I assumed the dimensions were length by width by height? As in 30" wide. But I also didn't realize this was his very first fish tank, and fish. lol

All of that said, I honestly cannot again in good faith recommend any kind of Arowana to those new/newish to the hobby -- others might disagree but imho it's kind of like getting your first driver's license and going out to buy a Porsche or a Dodge Hellcat as your first car -- best to ease into, get some experience and then move on to something more challenging, just my 2 cents.

But I'm not seeing a bunch of posts asking questions either. If there were 10 questions a day or something I would understand. If anything there's maybe 1 or at most 2 new threads so I really don't think I'm stealing any thunder from anyone. And if people don't want to answer then they don't have to. I would appreciate the help sure but I can't force anyone to do something they don't want to do. But I'm probably coming across as wrong as well so idk.

I was really looking forward to posting pictures of my tank during the setup and providing updates. And then posting pictures with the new fish and letting people know how things are going. I was really excited to do all that. But forget it now lol. All of this has really turned me off to fish keeping in general actually. I'm considering just cancelling the tank and losing the few thousand and being done with it all.

As the mods ask you, please, be more considerate when creating the threads and asking questions, is all.

I personally would say don't waste your time to answer the posts you don't like or don't want to answer, because you trespass your own advice - you tell others to stay away from your threads and posts they don't like but you can't seem to do practice what you preach with respect to the posts you don't like typing up half a page in replies...

... which is nevertheless understandable to me, the whole thing is, both sides, but I side more with you. It's a free forum in a free country where most people still have most moral values left. It may be going to hell in a basket but just not yet, it's a long journey and we are only getting some previews.

Please, don't lump us all together and generalize to make your model of our forum simpler in your mind, you are only making it "wronger". Only about 3-4 people voiced their displeasure with your activity... with varying degree of politeness. The rest are neutral or trying to help you while you call them all the "everybody" who gang up on you and make you afraid to post a new thread, drive you out of the hobby, disheartening you and so on.

This does not reflect the reality and is ungrateful to the well meaning vast majority who have been helping you. I personally, for one humble instance, in this week alone, likely dedicated 3-4 hours cumulatively to answering your questions. Now in your heat you are lumping me and the vast majority of peers well-meaning toward you with all the big bad and evil MFK wolves and in a way saying: Screw them all, let them all rot in hell, I am almost done here.

Keep a level head. Stay on track. Ignore that which doesn't help (hard but quite doable if you try). Be considerate to the forum, where you are new. Learn the ropes. Not all rules can be written, so learn the unwritten ones too. Learn who to ignore and who to tag. It will take time. It's not our fault that you ordered the tank first, then had second thoughts, then started to do your homework in a huge hurry. As others hinted, that is a bit of a selfish disposition and some people objecting to your high pace further inflamed your pride and selfishness (which lives in all of us and we all daily fight with it, so don't think I am preaching as a manicured, white and fluffy home bunny to a smelly and uncultured landfill rat).

You are a good guy and MFK would lose a lot with losing you in my book.

Depends on species amigo, Asian aros will do just fine in those tank sizes.
Thank you, Boss.

Here is a prime example of having to listen to many points of view. And of the risks of generalizations. My thought was mostly directed toward silver, black, and african. Asian I have never kept. Out of Australians, I only kept the jardini and only to smaller sizes, no jumbos. So when I generalized, it quite possibly came out wrong in some regards. I still believe the trend of arowana well being versus tank size I described but it may be less tangible for the smaller growing Asians and perhaps jardinies too.
Here is a prime example of having to listen to many points of view. And of the risks of generalizations. My thought was mostly directed toward silver, black, and african. Asian I have never kept. Out of Australians, I only kept the jardini and only to smaller sizes, no jumbos. So when I generalized, it quite possibly came out wrong in some regards. I still believe the trend of arowana well being versus tank size I described but it may be less tangible for the smaller growing Asians and perhaps jardinies too.

And for those species you are 100% correct, silvers as an example are typically far more sketchy, and "jumpy". That is for certain an aro species that one does NOT want to force into too small of a glass box, or they will spook easily, and bad things will happen. I think the same can be said about many younger aros, including Asian aros. From what I have seen over the years Asian aros tend to calm down as they age, and accept the glass box much better than say an adult silver. That's not to say that an adult Asian can't also get spooked, and hammer its head hard enough to do serious damage, or worse, but that can happen to any fish when forced to live in glass boxes. Of course bigger is always better, but I have seen numerous Asian aros kept successfully long term in the tank sizes mentioned. Of course the outcome of a LOT of this lies in the skill set & experience of the owner. Comm tanks like the one that I posted are not something that the vast majority of hobbyists should consider, without a LOT of experience under their belt.
As the mods ask you, please, be more considerate when creating the threads and asking questions, is all.

I personally would say don't waste your time to answer the posts you don't like or don't want to answer, because you trespass your own advice - you tell others to stay away from your threads and posts they don't like but you can't seem to do practice what you preach with respect to the posts you don't like typing up half a page in replies...

... which is nevertheless understandable to me, the whole thing is, both sides, but I side more with you. It's a free forum in a free country where most people still have most moral values left. It may be going to hell in a basket but just not yet, it's a long journey and we are only getting some previews.

Please, don't lump us all together and generalize to make your model of our forum simpler in your mind, you are only making it "wronger". Only about 3-4 people voiced their displeasure with your activity... with varying degree of politeness. The rest are neutral or trying to help you while you call them all the "everybody" who gang up on you and make you afraid to post a new thread, drive you out of the hobby, disheartening you and so on.

This does not reflect the reality and is ungrateful to the well meaning vast majority who have been helping you. I personally, for one humble instance, in this week alone, likely dedicated 3-4 hours cumulatively to answering your questions. Now in your heat you are lumping me and the vast majority of peers well-meaning toward you with all the big bad and evil MFK wolves and in a way saying: Screw them all, let them all rot in hell, I am almost done here.

Keep a level head. Stay on track. Ignore that which doesn't help (hard but quite doable if you try). Be considerate to the forum, where you are new. Learn the ropes. Not all rules can be written, so learn the unwritten ones too. Learn who to ignore and who to tag. It will take time. It's not our fault that you ordered the tank first, then had second thoughts, then started to do your homework in a huge hurry. As others hinted, that is a bit of a selfish disposition and some people objecting to your high pace further inflamed your pride and selfishness (which lives in all of us and we all daily fight with it, so don't think I am preaching as a manicured, white and fluffy home bunny to a smelly and uncultured landfill rat).

You are a good guy and MFK would lose a lot with losing you in my book.

Thank you, Boss.

Here is a prime example of having to listen to many points of view. And of the risks of generalizations. My thought was mostly directed toward silver, black, and african. Asian I have never kept. Out of Australians, I only kept the jardini and only to smaller sizes, no jumbos. So when I generalized, it quite possibly came out wrong in some regards. I still believe the trend of arowana well being versus tank size I described but it may be less tangible for the smaller growing Asians and perhaps jardinies too.

I will admit that I'm going through some personal issues right now and have allowed them to bleed out here on the forums. I allowed outside frustration to inadvertently shape my attitude and that was wrong of me. Thanksgiving in Canada is one hell of a time for my broken family lol. I hope that I don't come across as rude or childish even though I have demonstrated some of those qualities unintentionally. I am ashamed of this. I assure you that this is not who I am and I am usually very level headed.

And if I lumped everyone together, this was not my intention. I appreciate all of the help I get so much and wouldn't have a quarter of the knowledge I have now if it wasn't for great people like you. Really, I wholeheartedly admire and respect all the help I have been given. Reading those posts back I do see exactly what you are saying. It comes across as selfish and that really makes me cringe. But we all have to learn some way.

I hope this doesn't discourage you and the other great people here from helping me or conversing with me in the future. I'm going to take a step back, relax and try my hardest to maintain a respectful and level headed approach in all of my future posts and activity here on the forums. I don't want to be known as that "selfish guy" because that's not good for anybody. With Aspergers it is sometimes difficult to get my point across in a more appropriate matter and sometimes I have my moments where my demons come out. But that is no excuse for my behavior and I will try very hard to not allow any of this to happen again.
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It's probably best to keep all info to one thread, we're always here to help. Best of luck!
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Yep, that's exactly what many of us have been saying here and on other similar threads. About 24" though you can see some disagreement even among experienced member. I personally would not -- in fact I'm kicking myself now for going with 32" instead of 36" wide tanks. A 24" will be ok for maybe a couple of years, but then you'll have to dish out big bucks for a whole new tank.

All of that said, I honestly cannot again in good faith recommend any kind of Arowana to those new/newish to the hobby -- others might disagree but imho it's kind of like getting your first driver's license and going out to buy a Porsche or a Dodge Hellcat as your first car -- best to ease into, get some experience and then move on to something more challenging, just my 2 cents.

Yes I'm not wanting to start with an Arowana right away. I will be going with the Piraya first. Maybe even that is not a good choice too but idk. I am just seeing what options I have if I go with a 30". I think with the 30 opening up Datnoids, PB's and Arowana that I'm better off going with that than going with a 24" and being limited for future species. Want to get the best I can now so I don't have to have another tank built in the future.
I waited a good while and not many people answered. And I needed to know ASAP because the tank makers needed to know. I respect 99% of the people here and thought that there would be no better place to ask. So I felt it was more appropriate to go to the different threads and create a specific question for a specific species of fish. Organization. Figured there were different experts in each area that could shed some light. Didn't know the same experts viewed every thread and that there are a handful of well rounded individuals here on the forums that cover everything. Not that hard to understand really. The tank is also not nonexistent. It is being built. I have said that multiple times.

And you seem to have a hard time processing information given to you. For this I am sorry as this actually explains a lot about your demeanor and attitude towards others. If you actually took the time to read what I write instead of jumping on me, then you would know that. But we all have our strengths and we all have our weaknesses. It's just that your shine through a little more brightly ?.

And your attempt to insult me is so cute. Trying to equate my question about 24" vs 30" to me not understanding basic arithmetic. It really made my night. Your logic is so flawed it amazes me. Of course I know 30" is better than 24" you silly boy. The difference here is that I need to know if 30" is enough. It may be better than 24" but is it enough? I'm sure this was clear to everyone else here. But I figured I'd spell it out for you to save you from further embarrassing yourself.

I'll say it again and leave it at this. You obviously don't like me. That's fine. But you are embarrassing yourself so badly over here it's beginning to stop being funny. If you don't like what I do, then go away. Stop posting on my threads if you have nothing constructive or additive to give to the discussion. You're going to get yourself banned for no reason. And at this point, you deserve it. This is getting out of hand over absolutely nothing. We're a couple of fish lovers arguing over the internet because someone asked too many questions for your liking on a niche fish forum. #First World Problems.
Plesse embarrass me. You’re justifying you posting a million threads because your having family problems ??????. ”silly boy”. Shut up kid you’re not allowed to call me that. Know your place. As far as it goes I’ve stayed in the TOS I have done nothing but voiced the opinion of many people. Apparently they agreed. Ive answered your question since you made your first threads about your imaginary tank. Even went as far as tagging people in your area to help you. Everything I’ve posted in your thread is constructive. I’ve taught you forum etiquette, I’ve allowed you to realize your mistake and helped you see your annoying ness. So in my eyes, I’ve done nothing but been constructive and a damn fine mentor, you’re welcome. And please don’t the Asperger excuse for I have family with severe autism and have dealt with it my entire life. Never once have they ever use the fact they have autism to excuse or validate anything or behavior they’ve done. Especially why they have the need to decide to post 33 threads in less than a month.
  • Haha
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