96 x 30 x 24 Tank and Arowana Species

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yep, that's exactly what many of us have been saying here and on other similar threads. About 24" though you can see some disagreement even among experienced member. I personally would not -- in fact I'm kicking myself now for going with 32" instead of 36" wide tanks. A 24" will be ok for maybe a couple of years, but then you'll have to dish out big bucks for a whole new tank.

All of that said, I honestly cannot again in good faith recommend any kind of Arowana to those new/newish to the hobby -- others might disagree but imho it's kind of like getting your first driver's license and going out to buy a Porsche or a Dodge Hellcat as your first car -- best to ease into, get some experience and then move on to something more challenging, just my 2 cents.

As well, I would like to create a thread gathering all of the species of PB sometime in the future, with pictures of all the different species and listing a minimum tank size for each. But I'm not experienced in that regard but would like to try to gather that information. May make that a long term project for myself. But as I said, I think it would be better to have first hand experience to have the right to create a thread like that. On facebook I have been told that a 96 x 30 x 24 would house not just Kelberi but others like Xingu, Orinoco and Intermedia. Not sure how true that is though. I had written off PB because I had thought they could only fit in a pond.
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Never had pbass in smallish tanks, all mine have gone into a 4500 gal at 10"-12". The ones that don't exceed 18" might be ok in a 96x30. For a long time anyway.

Want to get the best I can now so I don't have to have another tank built in the future.
If this is where your current thinking has arrived, then sure thing and a no brainer, get the biggest tank you can in your current situation with the space and money.

I assure you that you won't stop there but it will be a great start for some years while you grow in knowledge and experience. Every plane needs a runway. The next several years and this tank I think would be yours.

Don't worry about about the selfishness qualifier thrown around. We are all the same in this regard. Me and others show it differently or conceal it better at times, is all. This pretence can be called tact sometimes, haha... Every sane person that ever pays attention to their thoughts, words, and actions, I guess, knows they are selfish.
Having had time to reflect on the OP's recent glut of activity on the forum, and the fact he has inadvertently caused quite a stir amongst a lot of members, myself included, though I hasten to add I haven't had the urge to PM him at all, I feel that all the advice he has been given so far hasn't really been good advice for him, given the fact that he is new to big tanks, big fish and all the extra worry and responsibility that brings, compared to smaller tanks/fish.

It's obvious to me that getting it right is very important to him, hence doing his own research and then making doubly sure that his research is good by coming here for second opinions and asking questions over and over that he may, annoyingly, have already had the answers to. And his aspergers is making it worse for him, making him feel even more apprehensive about it all.

The question i'm asking myself now is why would you, as a novice hobbyist, throw yourself right in at the deep end and get a huge tank and potential huge fish, which you have absolutely zero experience with. It is a recipe for disaster.

So my advice to the OP is to forget about the big tank, it is more than obvious you are not ready for this. Start off smaller and do what the rest of us do. Gain experience, grow in the hobby, learn from your mistakes. And one day you will be ready for that big upgrade and the knowledge you would have gained will put you in good stead to succeed. I urge you to take a step back from dreamland and back into the land of reality.
Closing thread. OP is welcome to make a new discussion thread for any future ideas, just without any inconveniences .
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Check it out folks. Use that report button. If I don't know there's an issue, I can't help you all resolve it. I can't be in every thread all day, as I don't use a computer at work. I'm in the field. @me or report things if you think it needs moderation.

I'll read this thread presently and handle the issue as is needed.
My assessment is as follows:

First and foremost, @The-Almighty-Zugs; you need to learn patience. Post a thread, wait for answers, and don't spam my forum. Spam will quickly make you very unpopular around here, as you are beginning to discover.

Second, decide what size of tank is feasible for you to manage, and then figure out the fish that is appropriate for what you can house AFTER you have successfully acquired a place to keep them. You're doing this bass-ackwards. You've got the carriage before the horse, and your poor pony is confused and frightened, and wants nothing more than the barn and some oats. Calm down bro, we'll give you good advice.

As to you ornery MFKers whom I love so well, use the report button. Let me be the A-hole in situations like this, lord knows it's about all I'm good for around here. There's no reason to directly engage a noob like this when you don't even have a hammer to back it up.

Finally, Zugs, if I delete your avatar, don't reupload it. All avatars are required to be related to the aquarium hobby in some way. Your avatar is a violation of the Terms of Service.

Thanks to all of you for your cooperation in this matter. Lets have a wonderful Saturday. I'm gonna have some pizza and black label. Thread reopened, lets talk some fish.
My assessment is as follows:

First and foremost, @The-Almighty-Zugs; you need to learn patience. Post a thread, wait for answers, and don't spam my forum. Spam will quickly make you very unpopular around here, as you are beginning to discover.

Second, decide what size of tank is feasible for you to manage, and then figure out the fish that is appropriate for what you can house AFTER you have successfully acquired a place to keep them. You're doing this bass-ackwards. You've got the carriage before the horse, and your poor pony is confused and frightened, and wants nothing more than the barn and some oats. Calm down bro, we'll give you good advice.

As to you ornery MFKers whom I love so well, use the report button. Let me be the A-hole in situations like this, lord knows it's about all I'm good for around here. There's no reason to directly engage a noob like this when you don't even have a hammer to back it up.

Finally, Zugs, if I delete your avatar, don't reupload it. All avatars are required to be related to the aquarium hobby in some way. Your avatar is a violation of the Terms of Service.

Thanks to all of you for your cooperation in this matter. Lets have a wonderful Saturday. I'm gonna have some pizza and black label. Thread reopened, lets talk some fish.
Thanks Masta R. ? enjoy your whiskey and pizza, but be reminded that, because of this hobby you are drinking black label instead of blue label and whiskey instead of bourbon!
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My assessment is as follows:

First and foremost, @The-Almighty-Zugs; you need to learn patience. Post a thread, wait for answers, and don't spam my forum. Spam will quickly make you very unpopular around here, as you are beginning to discover.

Second, decide what size of tank is feasible for you to manage, and then figure out the fish that is appropriate for what you can house AFTER you have successfully acquired a place to keep them. You're doing this bass-ackwards. You've got the carriage before the horse, and your poor pony is confused and frightened, and wants nothing more than the barn and some oats. Calm down bro, we'll give you good advice.

As to you ornery MFKers whom I love so well, use the report button. Let me be the A-hole in situations like this, lord knows it's about all I'm good for around here. There's no reason to directly engage a noob like this when you don't even have a hammer to back it up.

Finally, Zugs, if I delete your avatar, don't reupload it. All avatars are required to be related to the aquarium hobby in some way. Your avatar is a violation of the Terms of Service.

Thanks to all of you for your cooperation in this matter. Lets have a wonderful Saturday. I'm gonna have some pizza and black label. Thread reopened, lets talk some fish.

No worries at all. I'll just PM the members I know for now and ask questions to them. Some great MFK members have PM'd me offering help after this all happened, so I think I'm going to go that route. Would cause less drama. Or rather, wouldn't have the potential to create drama. I mean what's the point in creating a thread if this is what you get lol. But I understand. Too many threads annoys people and that is what it is. "Repetition makes reputation" - Elizabeth Arden. Who knew it had a double meaning? As some time passes, I'll go back to creating threads once I know more and don't have such "simple" questions. Hopefully this will quell a lot of it too.

And my thinking in terms of the tank was that I would find out what fish I would want to keep and then find the tank size required. If the tank size was too big for what I would want to keep, then I just wouldn't do it. What's the point in having a tank, if you can't fill it with the fish you want? That was my line of thinking.

Again, sorry for re-uploading. I thought it was a bug or something and hadn't got your message when I re-uploaded it. As I said, I'll work on a new avatar and hopefully it won't break TOS.

And I had first thought I was going with the 96 x 24 x 24 but after everyone telling me how much better the 96 x 30 x 24 would be I am officially going with that. The tank and cabinet maker are now building that one. So thank you to everyone for this advice.
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And it is my first tank.

I would respectfully, and STRONGLY, advise you to start with something far smaller to get your feet wet. A 300 gallon tank isn't for beginners, end of story. I wish you the best of luck, but I've been around here long enough to have seen enough failure to have a really bad feeling about you not being a success and burning out in a year. Start with a 75 or so and gain some experience, get the apartment, and move on to the big tank once you're established.

A 4" jardini fingerling doesn't need a 300 after all.