Alright here is my findings- Wish I was home and had my camera so I could show you the different socks and how broken and crappy the others are-
First time I ordered these, 6 of them incase one went bad (I need 5 for 2 sumps), and still only using 5 and they are amazing, catch crud like no other and fill up really well, and fast because they are built well, the plastic rings are really well built and the handles are also really well built, seems like the matterial is coated or just tough, not super soft to the touch, When these get filled and need cleaning as you remove them the water stays in them, it takes a long time for them to finally drain out so you can tell they are built solid and hold well/Catch everything, when washing them you dont get fuzz balls all over the place, they stay together.
[h=3]Heat-Welded Felt Filter Bags with Pressure Seal Retaining Ring[/h]
Standard Polypropylene Felt Bags—Max. temp. is 194°F