@Parka , Self reporting!
1. I finally ID'd those tiny fish that hatched in the Mighty Chicago. I swear when they hatched, they were a tiny thread with two dots for the head, super tiny!
They are Fancy Goldfish, my favorite type too, they are called Shebunkins and even though I was raising other Shebunkins in the Chicago, I'm still mostly convinced that these fish eggs came in on some plants I bought in late winter.
I have about a dozen of these and they were never fed, they have managed and seem to be thriving, had I fed them, maybe they would be bigger. I plan to catch or trap them and raise them in the Hard Working Akron, the Akron got about 80% water change today. I really want to separate the Koi from the Goldfish. Because the Goldfish get pummeled by the Koi, I feel certain that my Goldfish will be much less stressed, and happier, without their Clydesdale Carp Cousins running roughshod over the water column!
Here are a few of the new guys! About an 1-1/2" I still have some smeared silicone to clean up some day, It is NOT a concern!
This next pic is a covering of Water Lettuce across the right half of Chicago. Yesterday and today I removed all those Water Lettuce plants and trimmed all the roots way back and then tossed the crowns back in the tank. The roots were very thick and 20 inches long, and the new roots will grow back pretty fast to help condition and purify the water for re-use!
2. I have NOT bean Loafing Off, right now all my bones and joints are ready for light to medium Action, I have plenty to keep me rolling!
This here Beauty is Milk Money, of the Milk Family and she really is a favorite of all the other Fantastic & Acrobatic Splashers, she is a Mermaid! I'm so lucky. For Real!