Above the Tavern with Parka!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I understand there is a thread on this site dedicated to the Weather, however, I'm no Weather Man, what I am is, A HE-MAN! A True He-Man doesn't care what the weather is, look at my Pool Pond!

This was yesterday morning, after a crisp, clear and cold night.
Jan. 9, 2025.jpg

And then this was just this morning, my Koi are chillin out, and My Inner Junkie is PISSD OFF, again! Not Me!
Jan. 10, 2025.jpg

That Fish Aquarium Club was supposed to meet tomorrow but if the roads aren't in good shape, I'm staying home.
Hahaha! It even made my Inner Junkie almost laugh. The poor bastidge is wanting a fix! I tole 'eem he could smoke my frozen Angelfish and get high as the Heavens! He's thawing it out right now, see for yourself!

  • Wow
Reactions: Sassafras
Parka Parka , Self Reporting!

I haven't posted in a while but I am now, What I'm gonna do is post up some pics and chat up the pics, one at time, I also need to discuss My Inner Junkie! He is relentless and he will rip you AND your Mom off! But first let's talk about ME and MY pics, very exciting!
My Swimming Pretties!.jpgAir Power.jpgDIY Ghea tar!.jpgMy Pretties!.jpgDIY undergravel filter ideas.jpgBad Motor Scooter!.jpg

I forgot how to post pics with the descriptions in between the pics. So I will try it by the numbers.

1. The first pic is just a showoff of the Cleveland. I have a minor problem with the Cleveland, at the last water change a couple weeks ago I also swapped out the pre-filter with a clean one and I didn't know it at the time but when I was separating the pre-filter from the intake hose, the output hose came loose from the manifold to the under gravel filter. I don't remember doing it but when I set it up originally I used a zip tie on the outlet hose to the manifold suggesting a loose fit situation. I pushed the hose back on to the manifold but the next morning it was separated again. So instead of letting the pump blast the gravel around at the outlet I just unplugged it and for now I am only running 5 large airstones and the water has stayed very clear. I have plans to rectify the situation!

2. The second pic are my air pumps. On the left an 18 watt, center is 40 watts and on the right is 55 watts. I plan to do much more with air power going forward and try to minimize using the high powered water pumps. Right now the pump on Chicago is 170 watts, the pump on the Cleveland is 120 watts and the Akron is still empty but it was using a 100 watt pump. My plan is to DIY new air powered UGF's using one air pump, the 55 watt one. And then I would use much smaller water pumps for the mechanical filtration - debris removal and even more filter ideas, over the top with hydroponics involved, I got the ideas, I just need to get on it! I'm wanting to use less electricity, I wish I had sunlight to work with but my lights have to stay, my tanks are in the basement.

3. I made that there White Guitar! It sounds kinda awful plus I don't know how to play. I even put an electric humbucker pick-up on it and it sounds better?
I'm in the process of building another one, this one will only have four strings and I plan to to learn how to play some basic notes and the like, it's really fun!

4. That's the neck for my next Ghea Tar and that is the body profile below, shaped like a giant violin! I'm not kidding about it being super fun to make these wacky stringed instruments, it's a blast!

5. This is NOT a prototype, it's more of an example or rendition of the DIY UGF's that I plan to make. It's the same corrugated plastic that I use for tank lids and the pipes underneath are only meant to lift the plate up off the floor and also to brace the plate to keep it from sagging. One very big sheet of that stuff is only 25 or 30 bucks and I already have material for lift tubes so it is another fun project. If anybody has any input or ideas about DIY UGF's, I'd like to hear what others think.

6. That is one of 5 airstones in the Cleveland and I'm also running 8 airstones in Chicago, Good Evening!
This is merely a continuation of MY Self Report from yesterday.

I already thought up a different plan for the DIY air powered under gravel filter.

I still plan on using corrugated greenhouse panels but instead of using pvc pipes to hold it up off the tank floor, I decided to use that plastic egg crate material.

Today I ordered five pieces, 4 feet x 2 feet from Home Depot for 60 dollars, delivered, not bad! On Amazon a six pack of the same stuff was 172 dollars!!!

As this project develops, the progress will be shared via Self Reports, including but NOT limited too, a real world demonstration, For FREE!

Finally about My Inner Junkie, he really thinks he's something! This is what My Inner Junkie THINKS he looks like:

And this is My Inner Junkie in real life:
Parka Parka , Self Report!

1. DIY-air powered Under Gravel Filter update.
I got all the materials, see photograph for confirmation!

2. I have an assortment of different sized lift tubes, the three shown are 1 1/8", 7/8" and 3/4" inside diameters. I also have a good assortment of different sized air stones. .5", .8", 1.2", 2" and a pair of whopper 3". Except for the half inch size, all the larger sizes are ball shaped.

3. In the pic is the Akron and it has been fully empty for months, maybe 6? Anyway, I still haven't removed the gravel yet and I want to do that before I move the tank. I'm going to move it in the same room with The Cleveland and The Mighty Chicago. It might take me a while, working alone and Super Clumsy!

4. I got all kinds of other things to do, I'm taking my Boss Bike out today! And my pond-pool situation in the back yard, I got me a 2,700 gallon 14' round flat sided pool, do NOT tell my Lady Friend, AKA Land Mistress, not yet, Okay? Because she is NOT gonna be happy about it... My Hobby has Priorities that Shan't be Denied!

5. Good Afternoon!
UGF materials DIY.jpg
This is another continuation of my last Self Report:

I have been looking at a bunch of videos on youtube about the so called 'Czech' style air lift tubes and I put one together using some flexible hoses that I have.

I then did a test run with the 'Czech' style and with the standard air stone using the same air source and same size hose. The Czech style filled up a liter of water TWICE as fast compared to the air stone. The Czech style filled one liter in ten seconds and this was using an extra outlet from the air pump (55 watt) that is already pushing air through 13 - two inch ball shaped air stones.
Czech style uplift tube.jpg

I used a sharp awl to poke tiny holes in the soft plastic on that inset section of the flex hose. I was quite impressed with the result.

Flexable pipe air lift.jpg

So I made four more pressure chambers using 1.5" pvc, fitted a pair of pvc rings inside to make a snug fit on 1 1/8" ID pvc pipe which will be the uplift tubes for the DIY under gravel filters yet to be built. When it is all put together and ready, I will outfit the Akron (8 feet long) first, and then if all goes well, the Cleveland is next at 11 feet long. Air lift pressure chambers.jpg

I ordered some tiny drill bits, .5mm and 1mm to be used with my dremel rotary tool to make holes in the 1 1/8" uplift tubes. They haven't been delivered yet.

Updates will continue as progress is made, Good Afternoon!

Sounds intriguing. Please post some pics of the 'Czech' airlift in action. What is the design feature that so dramatically boosts the volume of water moved?