Arapaima moves are always a rodeo when you move them wide awake. Nicky did get a small taste of what their power is able to do. The new guy had a long journey from the other side of the US, but it was well worth it. We picked it up bright and early Friday AM, and got back with it mid afternoon today (Saturday). The trip took a touch over 30 hours total, and included a stop at the Bass Pro Shop in Macon, GA for a small water change.
He's a little roughed up, as would be expected, but this fish is a great specimen for the collection. Color is second to none. I'll post better pics when I get some. He's a little shaken still from the move.
Fishcatch22 - No really big cats. We've got a big group of Tiger shovelnose, but that is about it. We decided against redtails for now due to the large number of small schooling fish.
John - We did it the old school way. Drop the water, jump on the fish and pick it up. Toss it in the transport container. Drive to the aquarium. Forklifted the tank close to the holding area. I ended up in the transport tank (fully dressed) on top of the fish to corral it with a net. It took two of us to move him down the stairs into the holding set up. (Pic of the run posted in the "Arapaima thread" for you.) We were also lucky enough to pick up a GREAT Niger catfish (aka forksnout or fossil cat). Gotta love it when other MFKer's hook you up!!