Amphilophus margaritifer

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
cchhcc;2678401; said:
Perhaps if you identified the retailer in Virginia Beach with whom you do business I would be able to verify your identity.

yea, please tell us every store you sell to in every town so that every person who comes on here and reads this can verify your identity, depending on their town...because you saying your Don and ststing your point and contact info isnt enough for those that dont know how to use google and find contact info...derrrr.

balton777;2678687; said:
So you're unwilling to give us any info?


You guys are kidding right?
VRWC.... before you get worked up, there was a "Don Conkel" member title already in use (wasn't the real deal). It seemed a little fishy, especially since this topic is on several forums, yet this is the only one with a response from Don. No harm meant!

By the way, I see you just joined..... Welcome to MFK!
cchhcc;2679295; said:
VRWC.... before you get worked up, there was a "Don Conkel" member title already in use (wasn't the real deal). It seemed a little fishy, especially since this topic is on several forums, yet this is the only one with a response from Don. No harm meant!

By the way, I see you just joined..... Welcome to MFK!

Point taken, I apologize for seeming to get worked up. Thanks!
Is any info available on the meristics of this fish vs. other related species? Like, more anal fin spines than a labiatus?

VRWC;2679274; said:
yea, please tell us every store you sell to in every town so that every person who comes on here and reads this can verify your identity, depending on their town...because you saying your Don and ststing your point and contact info isnt enough for those that dont know how to use google and find contact info...derrrr.


You guys are kidding right?

Why would you give the :screwy: sign because we asked Mr. Conkel to discuss this fish with us? What is there to kid about? I don't understand...this is a discussion forum isn't it? Should we just have a lot of blank pages? Oh yeah, without discussion, there would be no pages so please come back when you've untangled your panties. In the meantime, we'll be talking about fish.

Donald Conkel;2678732; said:
Unwilling? I am unsure what you want me to provide you with for proof, my website has all my contact information. & also here is my business line 813-920-9624


Mr. Conkel, I think you misunderstood my post. I didn't ask for proof of anything. I simply asked for some information about the fish. Where it's from and if they're abundant or scarce where they come from. Why hasn't anyone seen them in the hobby? Are they endangered or something? Do you have a little more background you are willing to share with us? I'm sorry that I haven't read the book you published. Just trying to learn, that's all.

VRWC;2679387; said:
Point taken, I apologize for seeming to get worked up. Thanks!

That's better. :)
balton777;2681686; said:
Mr. Conkel, I think you misunderstood my post. I didn't ask for proof of anything. I simply asked for some information about the fish. Where it's from and if they're abundant or scarce where they come from. Why hasn't anyone seen them in the hobby? Are they endangered or something? Do you have a little more background you are willing to share with us? I'm sorry that I haven't read the book you published. Just trying to learn, that's all.

If you go back and read the emails from Don I posted he's covered most of this already.
balton777;2678391; said:
Mr. Conkel, would you kindly give us some info and background on this fish? Where it's from, how abundant they are, why they're not seen in the hobby and why Miller was allegedly pissed off that you published this fish. Thank you for your time and effort to come here to MFK.

I like how it went from "Conkel" in post 55 to "Mr. Conkel" after the man showed up here on the forum.

All round an entertaining thread. Good show!
reverse;2683176; said:
I like how it went from "Conkel" in post 55 to "Mr. Conkel" after the man showed up here on the forum.

All round an entertaining thread. Good show!

Don't get me wrong Mr. Reverse. I respect Don Conkel, though there have been some questionable acts on his part recently.
Dan Woodland made a couple post on the same thread on
"I've sent a message to a guy I know living in the area of lake Peten that also travels extensively throughout Central America. Let's see if he can add any fodder to this thread."
His friends responce:
"No, Dan, unfortunately I haven't.
But what I have seen is the all-gold fish Conkel called margaritifer in the latter edition of CICHLID FISHES OF NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA. It was in the market in the town called Rio Dulce, so presumably it was from Lago Izabal."
So maybe this fish does exisit and Don just mixed up where he caught it?? Ken