Aquascape piranha stock, pics

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
jp80911;3455406; said:
Only pics can tell the tale :)
yeah jack , we all post what we have we just don't talk, we all are familiar with eachothers stocklist. when i said post your serra's he didnt post squat, he showed us two fish, no whole taank shot or the other 5 serra's he claims he has he said he had to climate them however who cant take a quick picture thats BS:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
I don't mind seeing mangled fish. I should post a pic of one of my half eaten caribe. I'll do that tonight when I get home.
I posted a mangled catfish pictures before and I got flamed cuz the story behind it. I guess it's different case for you, it's called accident ;)
come on guys, let's be civilized and no name calling and stuff.
if one feel like share the piranhas he has, feel free to do so and we all love to see pix and videos. I know I probably posted too many pictures and videos...I like to pimp my fish out, sorry couldn't help it.
if don't feel like posting all the pix like I do, that's cool just once a while post some cool pix to keep us jealous. :)
Here ya go JP and anyone else real who wants to Xingu in its new 72...





Just introduced to the tank about 2 weeks ago so it likes to hide behind a rock in there for now. Hard to get good shots of him.
Mac, it looks nice. Don't mean to be picky but pics are kinda small, lol.
how's the color with light color gravel? should be faded a bit. if you could, switch to darker substrate would help bring out the color.
This is Mike's fish (luckydemonz3) see the difference of the same fish with two different substrate.


dark knight.jpg
jp80911;3456768; said:
come on guys, let's be civilized and no name calling and stuff.
if one feel like share the piranhas he has, feel free to do so and we all love to see pix and videos. I know I probably posted too many pictures and videos...I like to pimp my fish out, sorry couldn't help it.
if don't feel like posting all the pix like I do, that's cool just once a while post some cool pix to keep us jealous. :)
true dat , im done though, here are some of my other p's that i gave to my cousin who just started, plus i had downsized but i'm upsizing again haha:headbang2 oh pics was 5''purple sanchezi, 6'' compressus under log, and one of my favorite p's i gave my cousin was my 9'' marginatus.

Picture 007.jpg

Picture 003.jpg

Picture 022.jpg

Picture 027.jpg

Picture 092.jpg

Picture 099.jpg
Reef, if I knew you were giving that mag away I would've gotten it from you. lol
hecked I'd keep it in my 10g tank, or worst case in my jacuzzi top.
you should post all these pics in your serra thread. repost them :)
yeah Im still working on tank setup been busy with other stuff lately. The fish's colors showed more in the temp tank I had it in last week, the new tank its in has the lights off 98% of the time.
P's like lights off most of the time anyway. they can get used to bright light but they rather to have dim light