Aqueon (All Glass) Tank Pricing? - 125, 150, 180, 210

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
12 Volt Man;4603779; said:
true, but I don't blame the poster for not wanting to buy used when dealing with large tanks. I wasn't interested in used either (not just because I wanted custom black silicone). when dealing with big tanks, you want the minimum risk of leak/failure possible, and the lowest risk is with brand new, not used, aquariums.

i totally understand your point, but with a good inspection of the seals, glass, etc... a used tank can be just as good as a new tank. also with the money saved you can afford to take some time and reseal the tank if your that worried.

on a side note, any advantage to black silicone over clear? or is it just for looks?
it has a few advantages:

1. doesn't stain with medications
2. doesn't show inevitable algae over time

so if you compare a two 5 year old tanks, one with clear silicone and one with black, the black seals still look brand new while the clear ones look 'ratty'.

but some people don't like the look of black even with the advantages.

its really personal preference. myself, I will never buy another tank with clear again. those days are long gone LOL
12 volt - I had always consider the black sealant to be cosmetic, but you are right about the staining due to medication. I hadn't thought of that.

I totally understand your points on new vs used, but I get stuck on the price. I bought my 220 used (All Glass with factory stand for $475). It was in use and full of water when I got it. I did some major review before I agreed to buy it. The seams were excellent.
yeah, the seams on most Aqueon/allglass tanks are excellent (much better than those found on most Perfecto/Marineland tanks that I see at my LFS) and their bracing is better too.

as far as new vs used, the thing is, that debate will go on forever.

either you think the cost of new is worth the investment over the lifespan of the tank

or you think the cost is not worth it no matter what.

from what I have seen, most people either buy used all the time or new all the time, but not really a mix of both.

its the same as the new car vs used car debate. its polarized.

to each his or her own :).

that being said, its an aquarist's wet dream to see a giant tank all shiney and new still in its shipping material

but you pay for that moment :)
Wow for a 180 at the that website it's like over $800. I just got a quote for a 180 at lfs its $708 so that's what I'm saving for 2 weeks and, I'll be ordering it.:D:headbang2
12 Volt Man;4602150; said:
Aqueon makes great tanks.

I seriously disagree with this statement. Aqueon makes crappy tanks, the trim is cheap plastic, the braces are flimsy as hell, and the silicone is not that great.
And yes, I currently own one I just bought new.
And seriously? What MFKer buys a new tank over 55 gallons? You're gonna pay out your nose and just be worried about scratching it.

Every local MFKer I know has always bought used tanks. Never heard of a horror story from one. My 125 is doing great six months in, paid $140 for it with stand and xp3 and lights.

I'd rather put the extra $1000 in to filtration than a shiny tank.
12 Volt Man;4603969; said:
that being said, its an aquarist's wet dream to see a giant tank all shiney and new still in its shipping material

but you pay for that moment :)

It's my wet dream to find a beat up huge tank I can steal for a couple hundred bucks and take it home and polish her up.
Here's what's going to happen to an MFKer if they buy a new tank: their wallet is going go take a huge hit on the initial investment, and 6 months later they will be looking for a bigger tank anyway. Even a 210 starts looking really small after you see it everyday for a few months.
12 Volt Man;4604694; said:
many do, actually :)

Yeah my next tank will be new as well as i do not want a scratch or any imperfections on my large show tank in the basement. My 125 in the living room can have the slight scratches and such since i bought it used but they do bother me and I know exactly where they are.

With new I also get to specify exactly where I want the overflows and things like that. Yes you pay for it but as 12 volt said that extra 4-500 over 10-20 years is only a couple bucks extra a month over the life of the tank.

As for wanting to go bigger once you have the tank........not an option after my next one. The wife will allow one more tank in my basement area and that is it. So I will be going BIG and be done with it.