Yer well, the reason y i got the sooty is to stir my Jar up cause he's a pussy and always hides from people. So i chucked thunder in and immdiatly my Jar was sizing him up swiming very close, thunder would go to the top and my Jar would go and attack his belly but he was always to quick, so then i redocorated and got some better pieces of driftwood and now there fine, they even swim together. Also now i got the snakehead and spangled in there they have both turned there attention away from each other and focused on them which is kinda bad.
piscineidiot, i got my Jungles in with various natives, the safest native i can recommend are Mono Argentus, no aggresion at all and if there is aggresion its squabbling with the same species. In my tank i got bass, archers, grunters, spangles crazy fish and all sorts of natives and my jungles are fine they just dart around the place happily. I pt up a vid of that tank with the jungles on utube is should be in the link on my sig, they go crazy when i feed em and ifyou turn the sound up you can hear my parent going off at me for using a spoon hahaha.
Cammo X