Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Can anyone tell me about using rain water in a tank. I overheard an LFS telling someone else they had to treat the water with something just like you have to do for tap water. Is that true or just a sales line?
By the by, Harold has a new home. We've just moved to our new house and he's back in his own 6' tank. He seems very happy - and I've managed to put some friends in with him, which I thought would never happen . I have always been told Umbies don't play nicely, but I've had two silver sharks in with him (they were, cough cough, expendible) for two weeks now and everyone is still happy. Woo hoo!!
amehel0;1083493; said:
This is some pics of my bass. sorry for the blurriness but there always moving round.

this is my silver scat notice the darker than normal markings and hes actually normally more dark caught him myself.(in both pics you can see the first fish i owned a tilapia, shich i caught in march this year. he has already quadripled in size)

sorry about the water stain on the glass. this pic shows a wild caught tilapia(caught by me). and in the background near the left you can see my coal grunter.

this pic shows my 2 silver perches the pic does not do them justice.

could not get a pic of my golden oerch. but i will pull out my camera on sunday when i get my jungle perch.

You know all Tilapia Sp are on the Noxious QLD fish list? with fines upto 150K .

snickers;2141149; said:
Can anyone tell me about using rain water in a tank. I overheard an LFS telling someone else they had to treat the water with something just like you have to do for tap water. Is that true or just a sales line?

Rainwater will have low hardness and usualy a low pH , you might want to buffer it if your useing it for natives.
No wonder there getitng into new river sytems every year amehal0, people like you are transporting them to diff locations, and sooner or later people think its too big for their aquarium or somthing along those lines that they cant keep the fish and they toss it into the river. Im suprized there r no tilarpia in the creek behing my house! Must kill and leave on the bank away form the waterline if caught in any waterway.
But you will keep yours cause u got a big pond lol just dont get caught.

Cammo X
Cammo X;2141886; said:
No wonder there getitng into new river sytems every year amehal0, people like you are transporting them to diff locations, and sooner or later people think its too big for their aquarium or somthing along those lines that they cant keep the fish and they toss it into the river. Im suprized there r no tilarpia in the creek behing my house! Must kill and leave on the bank away form the waterline if caught in any waterway.
But you will keep yours cause u got a big pond lol just dont get caught.

Cammo X

um for starters every tilapia i catch i keep i do not release secondly mind ur own buisness i dont move it to other creeks.
snickers;2141149; said:
Can anyone tell me about using rain water in a tank. I overheard an LFS telling someone else they had to treat the water with something just like you have to do for tap water. Is that true or just a sales line?

there can be a few disadvantages/ advantages for starters most rainwater tanks use lners that arent fish friendly . seconly as said here the water is soft but if u run it through crushed coral or calcium carbonate that should atleast make it neutral. buit soft water is goood for all your southamericans.
in fact within my local creek i used to catch them all the time and now they slowly have dwindeled away. i believe my netting had some impact on the population.