Aussie natives Stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
ive never seen a dat in the flesh on australian soil. one thing ive noticed is how cheap alot of marines are here compared to the us or uk. blue spotted stingray-$200 bamboo shark-$200. snowflake eel $55:headbang2

but then alot of marines are native to australian waters, so they don't have to go through quarantine. oh and if you want to talk to aussie members about non-native fishes, or anything else, there is a thread called "AUSSIE MEMBERS!!!!!" in the lounge.

one of my lfs which used to have a dedicated section towards natives has reduced their number of native tanks from 6 (4 footers) to 1 four footer and a 2 footer. they have sleepy cod, purple spotted gudgeons, yellow eel tail catfish, tandanus catfish and one reasonably large barra. they used to have alot of barras, murray cod, lots of rainbows, bass, perch, grunters and some others ive forgotten.
ok to all you native keepers, because none of us check the classifieds on this site i thought i would advertise here so basically I will soon be going on a collecting trip to cairns and will be collecting many different species of fish and plants.

they include species like

Jungle perch.
Piebald sooty grunters(super rare variety).
Other grunters like coal, jade perch etc.
Gobies(of all different species flatheads, rainbow gobies, different oxyeleotris species etc)

Plants such as

apponageton spp.
Valis(many different varieties all are not something youy can get through most shops)
oddballs such as mosses, ottelia spp, water ribbon etc.

Please contact me either via pm or via email (i dont always check pms so for quik responce go through )email:
sorry for your loss mate, that does suck !