nativelover;419180; said:you could prolly put 20 in that thing, but to get then to grow big prolly 8 and to keep it managable and to make sure everyone gets a fair share id say 4 or 5 would be good. plus a few different fish so it doesnt look dull and there would be constant movement. so maybe a sturgeon and a few albino catfish. they get big and dont really mess with koi. unless the catfish is 2ft and the koi is 8" then you have an expensive meal.
my channels at 3 koi this summer. my trick is now to buy 10-20 2" feeders at the time when I add the koi. The goldfish are dumb and go right near the channels and at the other end of the pond I add the koi and by the time he feels secure the catfish are full, he knows where to hide, and no koi get eaten. It worked when I added my black koi. I can't wait til the black koi is the same size as the channels so he can swim over them and the contrast will be awesome!