
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Just saved this little Warbler from becoming a morning snack for our neighborhood cat. It was laying on our front porch, stunned from a bounce off the front door. Cat was 10 ft away and closing in when I scooped it up and placed on the bough of our blue spruce.

Yellowthroat? Wilson’s?

Just saved this little Warbler from becoming a morning snack for our neighborhood cat. It was laying on our front porch, stunned from a bounce off the front door. Cat was 10 ft away and closing in when I scooped it up and placed on the bough of our blue spruce.

Yellowthroat? Wilson’s?

View attachment 1548457

I would argue either Praire Warbler or Yellow Warbler.
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Just saved this little Warbler from becoming a morning snack for our neighborhood cat.

Your good deed for the day, well done you sir.

We have some lovely garden birds in the UK and I'd love to have several feeders and such to attract them.

Sadly, I'm a cat lover, and putting feeders up in our garden is like ringing a dinner bell for our Diego!

However, I've already made the decision that once he goes we'll not be getting any more cats. So, hopefully in the coming years i'll be able to have my feeders after all.