Perhaps when
is done his fish sandwich he can have a look? 

I'm gonna guess Orange-Crowned Warbler; might be cheating, but I looked up a bunch of different warbler species in a book and picked a random one that looks close enough, lol.
I don't know much about birds, except which ones taste good and which ones make decent pets, for the most part. Still rather fond of them; can't really say I can identify much of the N. American species, but I like to read some field guides every now and then.
Lovely things; too bad my HOA won't allow a decent bird feeder. I do like to feed the neighborhood cardinals and mockingbirds berries every now and then- though they usually gorge themselves on my blueberry bushes before I can pick some anyways.
.you could just stop feeding him now and hurry the process along
Lol, I've seen plans online for all kinds of imaginative and interesting bird feeder designs to exclude squirrels. There's a number that surround the food with a wire cage that is hooked up to a 110V feed, and can be switched on momentarily to show them the error of their ways. There's also a particularly wonderful design that is spring-loaded and flings the offending critter many feet into the air and across the lawn when tripped. I can't see why these could not be modified and beefed up to work with cats as well.
Cats are said to always land on their feet, right? You could science the bejeesus out of this theory! Do they still land on their feet when they have just received a 110v jolt and have likely peed and pooped themselves? Just how far can they be flung through the air and still do the magic landing trick? Is the trajectory an important factor? How about electrified and launched simultaneously? What's the ballistic coefficient and sectional density of a cat?
Please post results.![]()