Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
TheFishGuy;4392121; said:
I'm using 1/2" ID so it could mate right up with my copper lines in my house using one simple compression fitting... I talked with the company and was told it was NOT worth the extra cost to get the O2 barrier for what I was using it for. It is not embedded into concrete rather coiled up in my sump, water on water. The logic was it is made up of the same material through and through so what's the difference if water is on the inside or the outside. Those were the techs words which saved me gobs of money. Actually, the heat transfer is BETTER than copper. And even better than the O2 barrier pex. Again, thiscoming from the manufacturer.

If you have already ordered your pex with O2 barrier, then see about returning it to get the standard tubing. It will save you a lot of money.

Thanks for the info on the great heat transfer rate.

I was told by the manufacturer I talked to, that regular PEX plumbing tubing may sometimes be used for radiant heating or hydronic heating applications, such as open loop systems, if the system is designed with all non-corrosive (non cast iron) components. However I use a cast iron circulating pump and don't want to have any problems in the future with it or the possibility of me having any corrosive components in my Rinnai tankless hot water heater.

I was told by their tech staff and a few other people in the building trade to use O2 barrier Pex. I bought 300 feet of it and the difference in price was actually only about $65 over regular.

I bought the 1" because that is the size of the copper lines in my oversized tankless hot water heater.

Since I am just in the process of replacing 3 of my 600 lb sand filters and 2 of my 3hp pumps with 3 Alpha One LH filters and 3 new pumps the $65 is not too big a deal in the whole picture.

I once again hope things work out for you, your family and your fish. Perhaps it will be best to just be a hobbyist for a while and take a rest from helping everyone in the 48 states who bought fish they can not look after when they get too big or are not fashionable anymore.

I will get back to you when the pex is hooked up hopefully in a few weeks.
Wow, only 65 bucks? Huh, maybe I'm remembering wrong... Oh well.... LOL Wouldn't be the first time... I don't have any cast in the system so I'm not too worried about it failing... As for MFR, I sure wish it was just the states to worry about. I have plenty over seas that I've rescued fish for. Most of the rescues took place on line via email, then I'd ask for a donation that I'd never get... It took a lot of time to do... It's nice to have the time back!
There was something I was woundering about this super fish tank that is 2/3 made out of cement walls and a cement. Would it be possible to built a model flooded out city made out of cement made into the shape of highway overpasses and cement ditiches like the LA River system and storm drains and possibly a large underground subway station that could be viewed from the glass of a giant fish tank if one was made from strach. I got hit by this idea today and I'm woundering if any one has tried building a large flooded out city before in a giant fish tank before?
If I where to try to build a concrete fish tank or a cinder block fish tank that was say six to eight feet deep and 16 feet long and 8 feet wide would it be cheaper per gallon or the cost not that great if I where to try and build a tank that was 14 feet wide and say 35 feet long to enter into the giant concrete tank world?
Well ya.....less materials means less cost....though by the sound of it you should wait for a few years or until you have a real understanding of the money,time and space that is required.
I was thinking about maybe trying a small outdoor cinder block lined pool such as something that would be maybe 12 feet long and eight feet wide in a retangel with a depression and a small deck with a viewing window on it. Such as 3/4 of the pool would have soil all around it's walls while the viewing window would face a small deck made a few feet below grade.

So that if that fails it will spill it's water outside and not in my house. And maybe if this small thing holds up I could imcoprate it into the future mega tank system by building a small green house kit over it or turn it into a sun room.
could you post a thread with the final product... I cannot find a picture of what it is now with the fish in it. Too many pages to look through