Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Chago09;559510; said:
k I only saw the pics on the first page and was too lazy to look through 60 pages to see if there were more pics???? can someone tell me what pages if there are more pics lol????
and the guy with the tank, you said you lived in Ontario, where abouts?????? how much is admission because i would love to come see???

Please Go to my bb website then contact me
arcnburn;601203; said:
I am just getting started in the aquarium game, an please let me say you have set the bar very, very high. Absolutely outstanding!!!

Thanks for the kind words and great to have you on MFK.
Hi....first of all let me tell you that i have searched for a personal giant fresh water aquarium for a long time and i never found anything until now..."Congratulations"...i had in my mind something very similar on size...only without the L now i can see that yes it can be done... its gave me a new perspective...

Anyway...on your post you mention that your aquarium have 4 drains and one skimmer...
im not familiar on how a big pool works but...i wonder which of the drains return the water from the filter to the tank? or the drains only take the water to the filter and you use some type of bulkheads to return the water? if yes where are they?

When you change the water...Do you treat it? Do you have the water in some other pool or pond moving it before puting it into the aquarium? Or you just use the tap water?

If you had the chance to build the aquarium again....wolud you change anything related to the plumbing? Would you put more drains?

Did you consider to use fiberglass on the concrete before painting the aquarium?... maybe with the fiberglass it can last forever.....

What kind of glass you used? its a normal glass or laminated glass?

Anyway i just finished to build a 630 gal aquarium and i keep midas cichlids....i have allways wanted to keep big pacus you think that in a long term i can keep pacus on my 630 gal tank? what is the minimum size tank do you recomend for a couple of pacus living happy?

Well let me tell you again that your aquarim its outstanding......

Thanks for sharing...
Welcome to MFK

The 4 drains go to the filters which I will have updated pictures of very soon. I return from the filters with a couple of 2" pipes. The overflow is strictly sending extra water added to outside ponds.

I have used fiberglass in the past and hated the fumes so much I stayed away from using it in either of my large tanks.

I live in the country and use well water untreated.

Doing it over I would not have built the bird room above the tank and I would have built the tank deeper (15 to 20 feet). If I had the resources I would have installed the glass on the 36 foot and 27 foot sides with the glass going about 10' tall.

Congrats on building your 630 gal tank. I presume it is glass. I built a 800 gal all glass with John Petteresen a master tank builder doing 99% of the work and me the rest in my wheelchair. It was an eyeopener. I did build a 500 plywood tank with a glass front. I actually was surprised that outside of installing the glass (I needed help) I was able in my wheelchair to do everything else myself once the plywood was cut to the sheet size I needed. I did fiberglass it and got about 10 years out of it before it leaked.

I've got a few red devils in the 15k and they breed every two to three weeks and have a schoal of about 500 babies right now. The big Dovi acts as their bodyguard and helps keep the larger fish away. It lasts about a week before all the babies are gone and the cycle repeats.

Hope you had a great Christmas