Building My 50,000 Gallon Monster Mega Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
O M G ! !
what can I say ?!
what can ANYONE say?
10,000 gallon/week water changes??????
If I did that here in Australia......... I think I would be shot!
Maybe one day......... after a big lottery win.
I too bow to the master and would love to see it one day.
Wonderfoul! Woresome! Wow!
What a tank!
I think tha I will made an future some big project... (23'400l-6'182US g). Now I fill sow small.
You are a monster tank master for me!
my husband is an ironworker and says you should try powder-coat your steel... if you havent already LOL.... but i give you props absolutley amazing!