Cheap plants, less nitrate! POTHOS

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
1st off so sorry man!

Secondly beautiful fish and tank, absolutely amazing! I would be so pissed with the crap pesticide company....

Looking forward to your future endeavors with fish, always top notch! Cheers bud :beer:


Go S.Vettel #1 RB8 3X WDC!!!!!!!!!!-POTHOS

thank and thanks.
i think i will be getting some pothoes aswell. for this tank and my ray tank. i have all live plants in my ray tank and i only see a max of 15ppm nitrates but i like when i test and only see 3ppm after 2 weeks without a water change. yet i still have people say i loose fish to filtration issues. that is why i get pissed at them, because they have no clue what my filtration is but is is not enough to handle my stock.

cant wait to get into my house and get building my 10' tank. that will be a sight to see when i am done.

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I love this idea! My first serious tank I tried doing a fully planted tank and light stocking so I wouldn't have to do any water but it all failed. Too much light, not enough light, not enough nutrients, too much work!

I was thinking of putting some pothos in a HOB filter with lava rocks and an airstone underneath it to build more beneficial bacteria. What do you guys think?

Sent from my HTC Glacier using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
I love this idea! My first serious tank I tried doing a fully planted tank and light stocking so I wouldn't have to do any water but it all failed. Too much light, not enough light, not enough nutrients, too much work!

I was thinking of putting some pothos in a HOB filter with lava rocks and an airstone underneath it to build more beneficial bacteria. What do you guys think?

Sent from my HTC Glacier using MonsterAquariaNetwork App

i had an ac70 with the sponge in it for the roots and i had a whole pothos in it. worked great. that was my plants only for filtration tank. i took the sponge out and it was just as effective. i had payara, knifefish and a jardini in that tank.

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Sponges! That's a better idea. What kind of sponge did you use?

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thanks brian. my phone is all i got right now and the search function is limited to a few threads. i eventually changed that tank to saltwater. it ran for a long time like that no issues. i forgot all the hate it started with lol...

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Here's mine, these four runners are over 4 years old and between 6-10' long.

My trates are in the 10-15ppm range, tested before weekly 30-40% W/Cs.

Just outta curiousity I went two weeks without WC and my nitrates have climbed to a whopping 20 ppm. :D