The stores in my area dont even stock Dianichi but I have wanted to try it.They seem to hype the Omega One flakes so I use those,I have used NLS before.
Often you will find that certain products are pushed more than others by retail outlets due to the difference of profit margin between various products. This is simply a reality in certain retail outlets, especially during financial times like what many of the retail outlets are currently experiencing. 150% profit margin vs 100% margin adds up over time.
Yeah I understand the marketing strategy but I read the label of the Omega One container and the list of ingredients was pretty impressive so I have been using it for a while.
I was hardcore NLS for awhile but my lfs said to try dainichi although they carried both. So I did. I still use NLS grow for young fish but I have never seen such plump and colorful fish of any of the species that I keep. I'm Dai-nichi til I find something better. Dai-nichi also seems cleaner but it is not as enticing to the fish as NLS is. Sometimes, especially with wild fish, I have to start them with NLS finiicky fish to get them on pellets but I slowly move to Dai-nichi and here fine. I have noticed too that finicky fish formula tend to stink up the water like garlic. If God were a fishkeeper, and I guess he kinda is, he would feed dai-Nichi.
The Color FX appears to have a couple of additional color enhancing ingredients, Naturose, and Cyclop-eeze, which is kind of odd seeing as the makers of Naturose astaxanthin (Cyanotech Corp.) have not been producing or selling that ingredient for animal feed since March 2008.
I tried dainichi ultima 1mm and noticed no difference in my cichlids compared to their 1mm cichlid formula. And since I am positive the NLS brings out the best in my fish (the comparison to the tetra veggie flakes I used to give them was stunning! I stick with NLS cichlid formula although for my bigger guys they readily take the 3mm cichlasomma also highly reccomended.
Put me in the NLS camp...although I have never tried Dianichi. Other than the 95% spirulina flake I have feed my fish, NLS is the best food I have ever used.
I too have used both. I'm currently using NLS and must say I have some pretty healthy fish. I usually get the Dainichi when I go to the Cichlid Conventions because you just can't find the stuff here in Denver. I think both are 2 of the best foods on the market.
I don't know if adding my perspective to a 6 year old post is worth anything. I was and soon will be again a Dainichi user. For the last few months I have been using New Life Spectrum because of the lower price and the reviews that it has on the internet. I have recently had about 5 of my African cichlids die from bloat. Bloat is an afterthought with Dainichi. I now have to feed my Tanganyikian tanks every other day to avoid bloat. Once this 70.5 ounce bucket of New Life Spectrum is gone it is back to Dainichi. The extra money for the food will be made up by not having to replace dead fish.