Extremly rare 25" Aimara wolf fish "Alto Tocantins"

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MFK Member
Apr 29, 2008
[enjoyable_attempt];3743939; said:
It really really sucks that it has come down to this. The guy can't even post pictures of his FISH cause people say he's bragging or he's insane for spending his money, harrasing him to the point he gets so annoyed he has to walk away from his computer. Why can't you people just leave the dude alone if you have nothing nice to say. Seriously, fish are his passion; Rare, exotic, extremely hard to find fish you'll never get your hands on. Don't you think if you had his photography skills or a third of his collection you would "brag" and show it off also? It happens reguardless where your at, you get a new expensive and rare as hell cellphone, your going to show it off. IT GOES WITH ANYTHING. I mean, a kid like me, who only has good things to say to Mr. David really suffers from you ignorent, arrogent, rude people. I'm not pointing out any names, but just take a brief look in this thread and you'll know. I've learned a ton of things from looking at his posts here and at other websites. Most of his collection are what attracted me to this site, and now he wont even post anymore because of the members. How sad.


For what it's worth, I and many other members love to see your pics David, please don't stop posting.

As for the haters... c'mon, get over yourself, your arrogant attitude and baseless comments are driving the most experienced fish keepers away. Just because you'll never have it doesn't mean nobody will.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
I'm a little amazed that this post has gone this far without being closed but I guess it has'nt gotten ugly enough.I still hope that the poster will reconsider his position and continue to share his photos of his fish.I am not into the Aimara or the other Hoplo wolves but I like looking at his and everyone else's pictures,along with quite a few other members here.If you know what you have and what it is worth,there is no reason to be bothered by what others say about your fish or your photos.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 31, 2009
All over
Well i just have to say wow,to all the beautifull pictures of your unique and rare species of fish. My dream is to one day own half the collection you do. Again amazed at not just this particular specimen but others i have found all over the web.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 12, 2009
Alright, so I know I may be a little skeptical when someone won't stop trying to prove that a fish gets far bigger than it's reported to get, but this is just nonsense. The poor dude just likes his fish and wants to share them with people without any jealously involved. Sure, you may doubt the fish actually exists, but, hell, he's not trying to prove anything or piss someone else off. Let him prance around with his beautiful fish and if you can't hold it back, just snicker behind his back.

I personally think that's a beautiful fish and that you should definitely post some more pics. Then again, after a post like that, who could believe me.


MFK Member
Feb 19, 2006
fugupuff;3743881; said:
Out of most posters on here, you probably have and will annoy me the most. Very typical ignorant arguments, like when you said you've kept the korean perch in the past.
I don't need confirmation from you Wes. I know what fish I have kept, I even showed you a picture and you still wouldn't believe me. You're not the only rare fish importer. Korean perch have been imported many times in the past and I have kept them. If you want I can pm the source of my Korean perch in the past, he is a forum member here, but I don't give two ****s about what you believe because I know what I have kept and thats all that matters. I don't claim to keep freshwater bumblebee groupers when there is no such thing. How much money did you make on that fake claim when most if not all the customer fishes died. You still deny it to this day. At least man up and say that the Lancelotus is not meant to survive in freshwater for its entire life. If you can man up to that I will at least have a little respect for you.

As for you David, I have never bagged on your fish. I have always told that you have had a very nice collection. I am just saying, that it's a big claim to state you have the only fish in captivity in the world.

If you want to see some of my past collection you can do a search on my username and see alot, which I'm sure you already have.

I would really like to see a video of your collection. You only pics of some of your fish and it's the same fish. Nile perch, Jap perch, barri, tigerfish, dats, bichirs, wolfish, arros, p-bass. How about an up to date video of your complete collection. If you have all these fish this should be an easy task for you and I and everyone would really like to see it.




Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 5, 2009
And by the way I know of nothing about wolves fish. However, by looking at his pictures I am thinking to myself... wtf how does he keep his water clean crystal clean?! And what kind of top notch camera did he use? And if he says it's in a 300g by itself that's awesome for the fish. It's up to you to believe if that's true or not, and if you believe everything that is said on the internet, then I can only tell you're an idiot. If you have nothing to say then please don't post or keep it to PM if you really want to prove him wrong. Anyways, please Ashdavid keep posting your pictures, there is much to be learned from a true HARDCORE hobbyist like you.


MFK Member
Mar 26, 2007
United Species of Arowana
ashdavid;3744364; said:
I am humbled at your collection. Could you post some pics of those fish that you have and have had , as I know everyone (me included ) would love to drool over them.
I have the pleasure to meet Jarrett in person and saw his collection. It may not be the most fancy collection, but for sure it is not guppy or gold fish. :grinno: He's a true hobbyist and a family man, so I don't expect him to show off or being exxagerate. It only takes one to know the other! :)

Guerrilla;3744935; said:
well.. the man does have the only true all white leucistic AUL.
There are some produced lately, so it's no longer the ONLY one! :grinno:
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