Extremly rare 25" Aimara wolf fish "Alto Tocantins"

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MFK Member
Jun 6, 2005
Thanks guys.

ultimatejay;3069565; said:
I'm not disagreeing with you that it is a rare Aimara. I'm saying that to me it does not appear to look very much different than a Mala.

Oh and Wes... you forgot to add to your list-There are those that keep and will pay wods of cash for a fish that looks just like another fish, but that is "rarer" because it comes from a different part of the river/lake system and is only characterized by a very minor slight difference in appearance/patterns only to claim that they are one if not a few that have the fish in captivity.
Why is a gold arowana 10 times the price of a green arowana? Why is a royal pleco 10 times the price of a sailfin pleco? Why is a bichir bichir 20 times the price of an sengal bichir? Why does platinum in most fish cost a lot more than normal colored ones? Should I go on, or do you get the idea?

As for the minor differences you speak of, it is not my fault that you show a complete lack of knowledge towards fish and their differences when collected from different locals.(I am certainly no expert) I suppose you could you relate it to someone who could not tell the difference between their ear and their nose.

But the thing is, I look at your threads and you speak of fish being rare when they are in your hands. Why is that?
Eg, A comment by you, "I have been in the hobby collecting rare fish for over 25 years and have never seen one of these spotted tigershovelnose cats before" So what is the difference between a tiger shovel nose and a spotted shovel nose? They must look the same to you if you think a hoplias malabaricus and a hoplias Aimara look the same, and for that matter an Aimara from the Xingu river sytem and one from the Tocantins river system. Don't worry I know the difference, but you are so hypocritical it is not funny.


MFK Member
Feb 19, 2006
I'm hypocritical? For one thing, I said your fish looked really nice and gave you a compliment. I was just saying that to me, and I'm not a wolf expert like you, that your fish coloration and shape looked very similar to a Mala in my eyes.

Answering your question on the asian arrows and color- I believe the reason why gold and red arrows are more expensive than greens is because some nimrod decided that the color red on that fish brings good health or luck and gold will bring fortune or some stupid belief thing like that. The gold and red arrows are just as common as the green arrow. So why are the greens less expensive? Its the same fish species just a diff color. What if your favorite color is green and your least favorite is red? I see more red and gold arrows out there than greens. This basically comes down to beliefs and preferences and 99% hype.

Now regarding fish that are very hard to get or that are few in captivity, like your wolfish or platinum fish, etc. These fish I agree should hold a higher price tag than the more common ones'- that's just easy supply vs demand issue.

BTW- the difference between a spotted TS vs a striped is just that. Night and day difference. One has spots all over and the other has stripes. One is common and one is not common. It's like comparing a zebra to a horse. Now there are many fish that have very minute differences in jaw structure, etc and yet cost hundreds of dollars more. This to me is just ludicrus, but like the saying goes, " whatever floats your boat".


Dec 4, 2007
ashdavid;3069890; said:
Thanks guys.

Why is a gold arowana 10 times the price of a green arowana? Why is a royal pleco 10 times the price of a sailfin pleco? Why is a bichir bichir 20 times the price of an sengal bichir? Why does platinum in most fish cost a lot more than normal colored ones? Should I go on, or do you get the idea?

As for the minor differences you speak of, it is not my fault that you show a complete lack of knowledge towards fish and their differences when collected from different locals.(I am certainly no expert) I suppose you could you relate it to someone who could not tell the difference between their ear and their nose.

But the thing is, I look at your threads and you speak of fish being rare when they are in your hands. Why is that?
Eg, A comment by you, "I have been in the hobby collecting rare fish for over 25 years and have never seen one of these spotted tigershovelnose cats before" So what is the difference between a tiger shovel nose and a spotted shovel nose? They must look the same to you if you think a hoplias malabaricus and a hoplias Aimara look the same, and for that matter an Aimara from the Xingu river sytem and one from the Tocantins river system. Don't worry I know the difference, but you are so hypocritical it is not funny.
Ya know man, heres the deal. Im not one to stick my nose in these things but this is just retarted. You are extremely arrogant. The man was just making a simple statement about how he felt about you fish (Not your wife,child, mother,or father)just a fish. In return you attacked him. unbeliveable.


MFK Member
Feb 19, 2006
bignickwaite;3075980; said:
Ya know man, heres the deal. Im not one to stick my nose in these things but this is just retarted. You are extremely arrogant. The man was just making a simple statement about how he felt about you fish (Not your wife,child, mother,or father)just a fish. In return you attacked him. unbeliveable.

Thank you for seeing that too.


MFK Member
Jun 6, 2005
ultimatejay;3075949; said:
I'm hypocritical? For one thing, I said your fish looked really nice and gave you a compliment. I was just saying that to me, and I'm not a wolf expert like you, that your fish coloration and shape looked very similar to a Mala in my eyes.
I appologise if misjudged your statement, but it was hard not to take it the way I did.

ultimatejay;3075949; said:
Answering your question on the asian arrows and color- I believe the reason why gold and red arrows are more expensive than greens is because some nimrod decided that the color red on that fish brings good health or luck and gold will bring fortune or some stupid belief thing like that. The gold and red arrows are just as common as the green arrow. So why are the greens less expensive? Its the same fish species just a diff color. What if your favorite color is green and your least favorite is red? I see more red and gold arrows out there than greens. This basically comes down to beliefs and preferences and 99% hype.
Bad choice of words on my part, I should have said why is are some golend arowanas $1,000 and other $20,000. Obviously due to the certain traits they posses that makes the difference. But yes, some colors on arows can be considered lucky which did originally affect the price.

ultimatejay;3075949; said:
Now regarding fish that are very hard to get or that are few in captivity, like your wolfish or platinum fish, etc. These fish I agree should hold a higher price tag than the more common ones'- that's just easy supply vs demand issue.
Which was my point I guess and I am glad you understand and acknowledge it, I thank you for your thought on that.

ultimatejay;3075949; said:
BTW- the difference between a spotted TS vs a striped is just that. Night and day difference. One has spots all over and the other has stripes. One is common and one is not common. It's like comparing a zebra to a horse. Now there are many fish that have very minute differences in jaw structure, etc and yet cost hundreds of dollars more. This to me is just ludicrus, but like the saying goes, " whatever floats your boat".
This brings me to another point, something that a lot of people probably don't care about, but I will use the spotted TS as an example. Now this could be considered silly to some, but (and I am only saying this to make a point, not as fact) a spotted TS with many hundreds of perfect spots may go for 3 times a spotted TS with half as many spots. Both are the same fish ,but will demand different prices.

One of the reasons why Japan and for that matter Germany gets great fish is b/c some people are in a sense connoisseurs in regards to what fish they find to be of more value. As you said earlier, it is a case of supply and demand ,these fish traits that are not often seen will ultimately be more expensive. Discus are another fish where small changes and traits can mean a fish being worth $50 to $5,000.


MFK Member
Jun 6, 2005
bignickwaite;3075980; said:
Ya know man, heres the deal. Im not one to stick my nose in these things but this is just retarted. You are extremely arrogant. The man was just making a simple statement about how he felt about you fish (Not your wife,child, mother,or father)just a fish. In return you attacked him. unbeliveable.
Buddy, you don't know what you are talking about which makes you ignorant, that last post was a cumulation of of post he has made towards me, so yes it probably is better you don't stick your nose in. If you like I will PM you other posts that have been made towards me by this poster? Let me know I will gather them up for you to see how arrogant I really am or am not. I await your reply.


Dec 4, 2007
Listen man i know this website is your life. Im sorry , I didnt mean to offend you and your post. Im not going to turn this into an "Internet Fight" because its just stupid. Buddy Im from the Good Ole United States of America were allowed to have opinions here, have a nice day:)

Mike fail

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 14, 2008
ponca city oklahoma
awesome fish. i prefer the aimara ive seen that are black. but none the less awesome.

whats with everyone on this site being so full of themselves


MFK Member
Jun 6, 2005
bignickwaite;3076036; said:
Listen man i know this website is your life. Im sorry , I didnt mean to offend you and your post. Im not going to turn this into an "Internet Fight" because its just stupid. Buddy Im from the Good Ole United States of America were allowed to have opinions here, have a nice day:)
You are such a good guy.


MFK Member
Jun 6, 2005
Mike fail;3076040; said:
awesome fish. i prefer the aimara ive seen that are black. but none the less awesome.

whats with everyone on this site being so full of themselves
The black looking color aimara are deffinately great looking ,I have one that is mean as hell, I am going to try and get some time to get pics of it too.
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