Finally Upgrading: 600gl Plywood build

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
What no love for the sweet-ass illustration?

Today I found a bunch of free granite and marble .



Now, I am already aware that this stone is not necessarily inert, but it's so sweet that I had to try it. I'm going to monitor the PH and so forth closely for the first little while.

Anyway, it would be nice if I could show you what it looks like in the tank, but the play sand murkified my water:


Jumping around a little bit, this is after gluing the filter divider in place the other day:

And a top view of the filter

Just bottom. I put down about 1/2" of play sand and then put the rocks on top... kinda wish I'd skipped the playsand in retrospect, and put it in after the rocks - as it is there's small height difference between the rocks, and the edges are quite sharp. I'm going to rinse and add another 50-100lb of sand tomorrow to fill the gaps and form drifts and so forth on the bottom. We'll see how it looks then maybe if I can get the water to clear.
Well next thing to do is get the sand clean, and then try to ease the tank back 2 feet or so into the alcove it's in so I can still get a car in there to work on. I also need to make a cover of some sort to keep dust out and fish in. I need to figure out how I'm going to heat it, and I need to get the eductors figured out, too. Not quite a slam dunk just yet.
Should have some more pics this weekend. I did about 4 95% water changes yesterday trying to de-murkify the water, and it mostly worked. It's sitting empty right now waiting for me to get under there tonight and push it back into the socket in the back of my garage. I'll take a pic if I do anything... went to the gym at lunch today and overdid it a bit so I'm pretty wiped.

Here's why I need that extra 2 feet - trying to do any of my other hobbies, things are pretty cramped in the ol' garage:

