Finally Upgrading: 600gl Plywood build

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Well, I have some bad news... I was home for a visit this weekend and I shuffled some fish around. I moved walter and the big Apure cat into my 220 to give them some more space, and to free up my 120 for my oscar. Shortly after moving, Walter rolled on his side, and several hours later was dead. I'm not sure what the cause was, as he seemed OK after moving him, but I guess it makes no difference one way or the other. I think the apure attacked him and he bolted, but I don't know for sure. Anyways, Walter is no more. I really don't know how I feel about getting another one and living through all the growing pains again just to get something in that 600gl tank - I'll have to see how it goes. I still want to set it up - I might put rays in it, if I can get them up north here.
I'm abandoning ship on the eductors. Going to use koralia magnum powerheads instead!!

Also walked into the dingy lfs today and of course was approached by the sales staff. Their fish stock was pretty minimal, so I asked her if they ever get larger species in like RTC or TSN. She told me she has a 24+inch TSN that's eaten an oscar or two in her huge tank at home, and I might be able to have him for free! Project is back on baby! I just need to get myself a plastic tub or something set up to put him in for the mean time until I can set up the 600 properly.
Immediately after move, being inspected by local cat:


a few hours later :(

Is that the tsn or is that walter? Either way that sucks...:(
I<3fish;3345033; said:
Is that the tsn or is that walter? Either way that sucks...:(

Oh no, sorry I guess that could have been unclear. Walter was a TSN, but that's him after I moved him from my 120 to my 220. Yeah it really sucks. I got him at about 3". I have not yet seen the new TSN I might get. I want to go talk to the girl at the LFS again today and see if I can arrange to come over and see him. I've seen photos of some ugly-ass TSN before, so if he's all scabby and misshapen I don't want to be spending $50/mth on food for him. Will update after I have a look and find out if he's indeed up for adoption.