fishhead0103666’s fishroom

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hey, if you look at it in a certain way then I am going slow. I’m only going to be setting the tanks up one at a time so that’s going slow right? Technically I only have 2 125’s since 2 of them can’t really be used as one has awful seals that I don’t trust even with a resealing and the other is crack, and a 100. Sure I’ll be getting a 180 and a 7’ x 2’ x 2’ but that’s not excessive.

The plan is for the vast majority of the fish to be Wallace’s shoehead catfish. I do have 25-27 ropefish, 1 rhino pleco, and 11 clouded ghost knifefish. I may be forgetting one or two fish.

Anyway I’m thinking about getting rid of all of my 4 foot tanks in order to be able to have more 6’ tanks however I still have my ropes, knives, and rhino pleco. I may end up selling the ropefish but the knives and pleco are here to stay. I was fully planning on making a biotype for the ropefish however with the way I’ve changed my plans I don’t think it’ll be good to keep them.

I’m thinking I’ll just make a stand that has a 125 on top and my 100 on bottom and put the knives and rhino pleco in there. I can see the 100 being 1’ shorter than the 125 causing slight issues regarding the stand but nothing I can’t manage to make work.
Dibs on ropes of ever you decide to part with them
The second good news is the person who sold me the 100 today connected me with someone who’s selling a 7’ x 2’ x 2’ and assuming it will fit in my brothers car I will be getting it in a few weeks.
Good news turns into bad news. Apparently the husband and wife who were selling the tank weren’t communicating with each other and the husband promised the tank to someone else before the wife promised the tank to me. So no 7’ x 2’ x 2’ for me :thumbsdow. On the bright side I should still be getting the 6’ x 2’ x 2’ on Sunday or maybe tomorrow. 3.5 hours away and I’m going to make the drive for this bad boy.
Good news turns into bad news. Apparently the husband and wife who were selling the tank weren’t communicating with each other and the husband promised the tank to someone else before the wife promised the tank to me. So no 7’ x 2’ x 2’ for me :thumbsdow. On the bright side I should still be getting the 6’ x 2’ x 2’ on Sunday or maybe tomorrow. 3.5 hours away and I’m going to make the drive for this bad boy.
Well that's bad and good news. Have you thought of using some of those tanks with bad silicone as glass for viewing panels on a plywood build?
Well that's bad and good news. Have you thought of using some of those tanks with bad silicone as glass for viewing panels on a plywood build?
No, I’ve been thinking of using various pieces of glass that I’m buying from Facebook marketplace to make small planted terrariums for lizards, frogs, etc, though. I am not willing to make a plywood build in a rental apartment. Oh and also my brother is signing the lease over to me and the apartment in all it’s glory (and crappyness) will be all mine soon. I’m seeing the family room having the large tanks, a bedroom having a lot of smaller tanks dedicated to plants and shrimp breeding, and I’m not sure what I’m doing with the other bedroom. Either I’m going to use one bedroom for big tanks and use the second bedroom for sleeping in with the shrimp and plants or I may keep one bedroom free of tanks and just use it for myself.

I am however thinking about getting the bad silicone 125 completely re made if I can find someone willing to do so and finding a cracked 125 to scrap for glass to fix the cracked 125 I have and make it into a useable tank.
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So I sold a 75 and I got the 180. I didn’t realize just how much bigger 6” is, it looks like it’s a foot wider than the 125 to be honest. And it’s heavy as hell, given how heavy this 6’ x 2’ x 2’ is I’m slightly reconsidering the 7’ x 2’ x 2’ I just found yesterday for sale especially given the car doesn’t have much space with just the 180 in it. I’m likely going to get the 7’ x 2’ x 2’ even if it kills me though ??‍♂️.
I honestly am most likely going to have some small issues with getting this in the apartment since it’s essentially just me however I have someone else to help hold the rolling dolly in place and move it and whatnot.
Great job. There is a big difference in weight once you start getting bigger tanks. If you can do the 180g - you can do the 7x2x2. Just bring straps so you can tie down the door if needed.

moving the 6’ tank into the apartment will give you an idea of getting it in.
Great job. There is a big difference in weight once you start getting bigger tanks. If you can do the 180g - you can do the 7x2x2. Just bring straps so you can tie down the door if needed.

moving the 6’ tank into the apartment will give you an idea of getting it in.
Everyone says “get into fish keeping” “oh it’ll be so much fun” “don’t worry, it isn’t hard” no one ever tells you just how heavy a 180 is..... It certainly is not going to stop me from getting more 180’s and bigger though.

I’m thinking that I’m going to strap a dolly to the back of the tank so that when I pull it out I won’t have to worry about it slipping off the dolly or missing it and breaking. I’m also thinking about strapping a dolly to the front side once the back side is on the concrete and the front side is in the air however I worry about that making it more dangerous regarding getting a good hold on it.

I was suppose to get the sump and 200 pounds of dry live rock with the tank however there wasn’t enough space so sadly I couldn’t get it as I am not driving 3.5 hours one way again just to get a sump and some dry rock.

Now I’m so excited, my Wallace’s shoehead catfish will literally twice the bottom area, minus dual corner overflows, hopefully I can see some more natural activity and if I’m really lucky some breeding activity :headbang2
I would have slid the sump into the tank once it was partly loaded and then stacked the live rock around it. Bummer
I would have slid the sump into the tank once it was partly loaded and then stacked the live rock around it. Bummer
I certainly could have done that however I didn’t want to have the chance of anything breaking given there were lots of potholes on the way there.
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God that was annoying. My stupid neighbor had his crappy car that can only runs 50% of the time blocking the only sidewalk so I had to move it over the grass which wouldn’t have been that bad if I had both of the ratchet straps but one was refusing to work so I could only ratchet the front to a dolly and I had to repeatedly re adjust the back rolling dolly. There’s a stupid metal column right in the way that made this 180 even harder and honestly I think I’m going to have to move the 7’ x 2’ x 2’ in from the other side to get enough space to get it straight enough to go into the door. It won’t stop me from getting the 7’ x 2’ x 2’ though, it’s just another obstacle to overcome to get my Wallace’s shoehead catfish a bigger tank ??‍♂️.

I do know however that I’ll be getting another 2 or 3 rolling dollies and two ratchet straps per dolly and maybe even a ratchet strap to go length wise across the dollies to keep them from being able to move from where I set them. 9B9F1C84-5E9D-4D7B-AA71-2CD06F92FEDB.jpeg