fishhead0103666’s fishroom

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I do apologize about the lack of updates, life has gotten in the way of mfk.

I realized early on that if I were to proceed as planned that I would be essentially shooting myself in the foot as I haven’t yet gotten my Wallace’s shoehead catfish on pellets or frozen which would have led to doubling or even tripling my weekly food costs for ghost shrimp which is not wise so I’ve shifted my focus over to breeding my own live food. I’ve set up a 55 for red wigglers, a 55 for guppies, and I’m going to be setting up another 55 for cherry shrimp. I’m not doing too well with the wigglers and the guppies haven’t started breeding yet so I’m at a standstill at the moment. My fish themselves are still doing good, nothing newsworthy to write about them as of yet.
Ya guppies take a while to settle in. Then when they start breeding it takes the fry about 3 months before they are even remotely edible size, just to be a tiny little snack. For the price of feeder guppies vs. Time invested- I have found it not worth the effort to breed for food. But each to their own I guess.

good to hear you are still working on the fish room.

any updated pics for us?
Surprised the shoe heads aren’t taking to pellets. Most catfish I’ve had never refuse anything although I’ve never had those before.
Well, what I’ve been afraid of since the beginning is coming true, the property management is refusing to renew the lease with me as the lease holder this time. Since I’m “too young and have no prior experience” I’m not eligible to be the lease holder. I knew better than to set up any of the tanks before I knew they would renew the lease so I’m lucky in that sense. Going to sell the 180 for a loss and bring the 125’s with me when I move home.
sorry to hear that my man.

Do you have to go back home, are you not able to move to another place?
I could search for another place however I’ve done a bit of thinking and it’s the best course of action for me personally to move back home instead of finding somewhere else to rent.
Well, what I’ve been afraid of since the beginning is coming true, the property management is refusing to renew the lease with me as the lease holder this time. Since I’m “too young and have no prior experience” I’m not eligible to be the lease holder. I knew better than to set up any of the tanks before I knew they would renew the lease so I’m lucky in that sense. Going to sell the 180 for a loss and bring the 125’s with me when I move home.

So, let me get this right. You've been living in rented accommodation, which in my book gives you "experience". Now the lease is up they say they won't renew it because you don't have any experience!!! What a crock of total s**t.

When you took the lease on you were younger than you are now and they have the audacity to throw the "you're too young" excuse in too.

Why the hell did they give you the lease in the first place when you were younger and had zero experience!!!!!

It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever to me.

Good riddance to them pal if you ask me. God knows how they would have been once you had your place full of running tanks!
Well, what I’ve been afraid of since the beginning is coming true, the property management is refusing to renew the lease with me as the lease holder this time. Since I’m “too young and have no prior experience” I’m not eligible to be the lease holder. I knew better than to set up any of the tanks before I knew they would renew the lease so I’m lucky in that sense. Going to sell the 180 for a loss and bring the 125’s with me when I move home.
What a bunch of bs. Best of luck moving forward