fishhead0103666’s fishroom

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Everyone says “get into fish keeping” “oh it’ll be so much fun” “don’t worry, it isn’t hard” no one ever tells you just how heavy a 180 is..... It certainly is not going to stop me from getting more 180’s and bigger though.

I’m thinking that I’m going to strap a dolly to the back of the tank so that when I pull it out I won’t have to worry about it slipping off the dolly or missing it and breaking. I’m also thinking about strapping a dolly to the front side once the back side is on the concrete and the front side is in the air however I worry about that making it more dangerous regarding getting a good hold on it.

I was suppose to get the sump and 200 pounds of dry live rock with the tank however there wasn’t enough space so sadly I couldn’t get it as I am not driving 3.5 hours one way again just to get a sump and some dry rock.

Now I’m so excited, my Wallace’s shoehead catfish will literally twice the bottom area, minus dual corner overflows, hopefully I can see some more natural activity and if I’m really lucky some breeding activity :headbang2

i’ve hired folks from task rabbit to help me move tanks -

good luck!
i’ve hired folks from task rabbit to help me move tanks -

good luck!
Interesting, I’ll have to look into that some more.
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I am not driving 3.5 hours one way again just to get a sump and some dry rock.
Turns out I am willing to do so, I’m going back for the sump and dry rock this weekend.
200 lbs of dry rock for the taking is a good get. I travel 45 minutes to pay for my overpriced rock.
Yep and I’d be a fool not to wake it. If I factor in the costs of the rock front a modest (I believe) $1.50 per pound then it would be $300 for the rock and even if I factored in my hourly pay at work and I’ll be generous and say I keep 100% then in the 7 hours I’d be driving I’d have made $98, add in let’s say $40 for gas and the trip costs me $138. $138 for $300 worth of rock, I’d say it’s worth it and that’s not even taking the sump into consideration.
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I still have a little dry rock from back in my reefing days. I'm thinking about bleaching it and using it in a African cichlid tank. If I had that much I'd definitely do it in my 180.
I wouldn't bother bleaching. Just add nerites or a pleco or two.
I traded one of those 75’s for a miter saw, it will be very useful. I’m down to only one of those 4 75’s I got about a month ago. I’m thinking that eventually I’m going to sell the double 75’s along with the rack and make a triple 40 breeder for quarantine while having my smallest communities two 5’ 100 gallons for my clouded ghost knives.816BFEB5-4E98-42F9-80D1-54C027D703C1.jpeg
I do apologize about the lack of updates, life has gotten in the way of mfk.

I realized early on that if I were to proceed as planned that I would be essentially shooting myself in the foot as I haven’t yet gotten my Wallace’s shoehead catfish on pellets or frozen which would have led to doubling or even tripling my weekly food costs for ghost shrimp which is not wise so I’ve shifted my focus over to breeding my own live food. I’ve set up a 55 for red wigglers, a 55 for guppies, and I’m going to be setting up another 55 for cherry shrimp. I’m not doing too well with the wigglers and the guppies haven’t started breeding yet so I’m at a standstill at the moment. My fish themselves are still doing good, nothing newsworthy to write about them as of yet.
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