Just the thought of ice fishing makes me shiver, the only ice we see here when we are fishing is in the esky (thats what we aussies keep our drinks in) 

I dont really consider a 21 inch pike pic worthy, but I do have one on my cell just no adapter for my mini SD card.cichlid fiend;3851831; said:Ice fishing sucks, but keep up the good work!!!!
No pic, no glory!!!!
Dreamsofpeace54;3851805; said:ive heard of the holtwood dam, but never fished it. the conowingo is the next one down. separates harford and cecil county. But is pretty close to PA, i cross it and then a couple miles cross into pa going towards lancaster.
Deep Blue Sea;3854935; said:Just a little Fyi if your trying to get a turtle for your fish tank from some sort of public pond or just cuz u wanna try this out, use Spam it catches turtles faster then anything. my friend and I foudn this out accidentally fishing at a pond in sacramento
Deep Blue Sea;3854957; said:It was off topic sort of it just had to do with fishing in general