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likestofish;4221109; said:
Elvers have been known to climb over locks and dams. They all come from the ocean unhless someone just releasing eels.

i caught a small eel and it slipped out of my hand and just slithered its way through the rocks and occasional peeped its head up to see which way the water is lol theyre prety gud fighters too
Tstove15;4220315; said:
I have hooked into some big heels in the delaware river but that leads right out to the ocean so it doesnt surprise me....I have fished this river over 50 times in my 17 years on earth and i have not once caught an eel. THe max depth of the river is 5 feet and there is no realistic way for eels to get into the ocean from here. That is why i was suprised at the size of my catch

In my home state of NY many fish for eels during Spring,Summer but use traps never heard of anyone catching one on hook .

Unusual catch.
Went today for 30 minutes after collecting some plants,etc for my new tank .

Nothing special or diff a war mouth,mayan and what I think is spotted or green sunfish plus all small but than again had my hooks in about 14 inches of water .
I was trying to catch what I think are large convicts but they don't bite (earthworms).

Still fun took fast pics and as always released them.



szymon328;4224036; said:
i caught a small eel and it slipped out of my hand and just slithered its way through the rocks and occasional peeped its head up to see which way the water is lol theyre prety gud fighters too

Close to impossible to hold so slimey
likestofish;4220838; said:
American eels start of as elvers which head in from the ocean and live in freshwater for most of their adult lives. Then they go back to spawn in the ocean and die. They can get extremly big as in 5 pounds+ but thats rare due to most go back to the ocean before then.

like 10 yrs ago I used to see them sold in pet stores as 4 inch babies. Pure freshwater but had no idea any type eel lived in freshwater as adult.
cichlid fiend;4218848; said:
Snakes and I dont really like each other so I wouldnt know. Good post tho!!!

One of the guys from work is afraid of them.
He was fishing few months ago sitting on one of those fold up back yard chairs when a good size water snake climbed right on his shoulder from behind coming down to his waist.

He told me he jumped 20 ft in air and felt he had trouble breathing for minute or so over come with fear.
Louie;4225266; said:
One of the guys from work is afraid of them.
He was fishing few months ago sitting on one of those fold up back yard chairs when a good size water snake climbed right on his shoulder from behind coming down to his waist.

He told me he jumped 20 ft in air and felt he had trouble breathing for minute or so over come with fear.

20 feet really?:screwy:
Tstove15;4220324; said:
Im with you on that!! im honestly suprised that i stayed, every little bug that hit me or anything i was freaking out and i kept looking in the trees to see if there were any on any branches lol

The only water snakes one need worry about are Cotton Mouths aka Water Moccasins are Venomous semi-aquatic snakes . And it's highly unlikely that you'll ever see them in trees. There all over the place in FLorida.

Note the snake in the background is the Cotton Mouth.
Tstove15;4220324; said:
Im with you on that!! im honestly suprised that i stayed, every little bug that hit me or anything i was freaking out and i kept looking in the trees to see if there were any on any branches lol

The only water snakes one need worry about are Cotton Mouths AKA Water Moccasins are Venomous semi-aquatic snakes . And it's highly unlikely that you'll ever see them in trees. There all over the place in FLorida.

The snake in the Background is a cotton mouth.