• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
cichlid fiend;4376727; said:
Spots fished-1

Time fished-9.5 hrs

Fish landed-I-14/Cliff-1 :confused:

Well work was slow again so :ROFL:I was able to get off at 9am and we were fishing at 11, the "Amazon" was todays lake of choice. I broke the ice at 11:32!! After that the bite was very constent up until about 6:30 when they SHUT DOWN. CLiff banged his first at 12:42 and missed about five through out the day. He spent most of the day switching up his baits. I caught fish on a mix of baits today but the crank bait and the chatter brought in most of them!

A couple beast but no monsters today but I had a alot of fun!!!

~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~~~~~~
From what ive noticed the bigger or say the schools of decent bass seem to be deep. Try looking at a lake map look for step drop offs right near the shore. Look for points that come out near deep water. Who knows there may even be some mid lake structure out there that could hold lots of fish. Somthing say like a sunken island or a sand bar, or anykind of hump.
When you start figuring out these kind of patterns and try it on different lakes your ready for tournaments. Anytime your crankbait fishing watch your electronics. There may be stuff a map missed say your in 20 foot of water and theres a small hump that rises up a few feet then drops back down. The map dosnt show it but using your electronics you can find it. Fish the edges of it. Just my 2 cents on crankbait fishing take it or leave it. tight lines
Saturday Smallmouth.

Sorry i havent posted for a while been fishing everyday except sunday. went to missisipi caught abouth 13 bass the largest being 14 inches.
Spots fished-1

Time fished-13.5 hrs

Fish landed-I-3/Dennis-3

Well today was a very crappy fishing day. Since I didnt go to the night fishing tournament I think Dennis was alittle disappointed so I let Dennis pick todays lake of choice. He chose "Carnegie" I told him thats not a good choice cause Cliff and I was just there and we had a crappy outting. So I took it upon myself to say 'na we going to the "amazon" but as we got close to the launch Dennis says " look how grassy it is. I said ok im going to prove my point to your a**. So we start at "Carnegie" at 7am. Dennis lands the first fish(pic) of the day THREE HOURS later :irked:. At that point I only had one bite when something picked up the chatter bait but dropped it very quickly. A couple hours go by and we havent had any action. Im mad as hell now and messin with Dennis telling him do you believe me now and as im cursing him out I throw the spinny by this laydown. Im slow rolling it so slow I dont even feel this fish start walking with it, once I notice I have a fish on I just start reeling in(NO HOOK SET). The fish is swiming towards and I cant tell how big it is then the fish jumps and spits the spinny dam near in the boat. Its just a fish story now but the fish was at least 4lbs+. At first I was just happy to see some action but about 10 minutes later I was kicking myself for not setting the hook :irked:. Well the fish turned on alitte around 5. Shortly after Dennis banged his second and I finally got my first and missed one that got off about 5 feet from the boat(12"er). After hitting my point I like to fish and where Dennis got the first fish of day at, we start heading in. Dennis got another making it 3-1. He through he was going to get a victory but NO NO the buzzy FINALLY worked and I was able to land two dinks bringing it to 3-3.

SUPER long slow day but I proved my point!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~~

Spots fished-1

Time fished-13 hrs

FIsh landed-I-16/Dennis-4

Well today I didnt even think of giving Dennis the choice of where we were going. Its only been one place lately thats giving up a good time so at 6:30am the first cast was made at the "amazon"!!!!!

Dennis banged the first fish of the day on the buzzy in the first 20 minutes. I didnt get my first until 8:30. From there the bite was excellent, at one brush pile I pulled 5 out back to back all on the spinny!! Most of my catches were 14-16"s. It wasnt until # 10 when I landed a monster. It was only 3.6 but it came with a 70' fight!!! Before we called it quits Dennis got two while using a crank bait and his final fish came on the spinny!
I think due to the weather cooling down and we finally seeing alittle rain it has brought alot of bait fish out and that has cause the bass to come off the bottom and eat them. I say that cause a week ago I was killing them with the chatter bait on the bottom but now its MAD little bait fish out and I cant buy a bite on the bottom. Just alittle FWI!!

The spinny(chart/white) is KILLING them!!!!!

~~~~~~FISH MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STRESS LESS~~~~~~~~~




Planetnicolas;4376739; said:
yo cichlid fiend i caught a pike at the fishing spot I told you it was amazing. I didnt know you could get them around here.

Ill bet that was a Chain pickeral. Its only a hand full of spots you can get pikes at aroiund here. CP's are still funn as hell to catch tho!!!