Cool thread, I used to be on this site often but just recently got back into fish keeping, never left fishing. Had trouble signing in on my old username but here are some of my catches so far this year. Nice fish everyone.

Tstove15;4389353; said:I started out at a river tonight and caught two sonnies on the yammamato panfish rubbers. Then went to a pond around 830 and fished the senko and landed a decent 14 incher. It was very fun fishing with 4lb test UNTIL i was reeling in and was 3 feet from the bank and i have fish jump, grab my senko, and rip my line like it was nothing at all....i was very mad but what can you expect with 4lb test lol
The pond i fish has weeds that goes all the way through the pond and extends half way out so half the pond is weeds, and the other half is clear water. The fish were all hanging out around the banks and along the weed line across the pond all night.
likestofish;4389597; said:Lower the drag if they are snapping your line so easily.
bailey2290;4389521; said:Cool thread, I used to be on this site often but just recently got back into fish keeping, never left fishing. Had trouble signing in on my old username but here are some of my catches so far this year. Nice fish everyone.
Tstove15;4389853; said:i ended up doing that afterwards anyway but i think with a bass of the size that hit, it would probaly break my 4lb line anyway while it jumped.
Planetnicolas;4389391; said:I bought some new stuff at walmart while I was at LFs picking up some supplies for new tank.
its Carnegie time
good day over all 7 LMB
two new guppies
one new tank
new lures life has been good to me
(note all stuff is fish related)
cichlidfinder;4389385; said:A large colorado bladed spinner bait black.