Gar Identification - Post your Gar to be ID'd HERE!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

hello i just want to double check. i am buying this gar tomorrow from the seller and from the research i believe that this indeed is a spotted gar and that's why im jumping the gun on purchasing it from him for 100 dollars. its a 15 inch gar , and right now i have a 11 inch Florida gar. another quick question to add, in your guys opinion do you think that this 15 inch gar will kill or eat my 11 inch Florida gar. in my opinion its a obvious no because i always make sure there is constant food in there for them to eat. i don't ever starve them, but because the Florida gar was my first fish ever, im just getting that worried feeling. hope im not the only one out there that gets that feeling. hahahahahah.
Why do you believe that is a Spotted Gar? He may just be a Florida with an interesting pattern, or he may be a true spotted gar. Personally I believe that is a Florida, but it's also difficult for me to judge from the picture.

No your gars are fine. They may nip at each other but thats normal as my gars have torn or split fins regularly. I am currently keeping a 14 inch Tropical gar my Mystery gar at 9 inches and even a Alligator gar at 6 inches, along with some Shortnose gars around 11 inches.
Where did the seller get the gar? They may have just bought it from somewhere which labelled the gar as spotted, I would be careful
yea i have kept that in mind regarding the origin of the sale. to be honest i cant say much besides the pattern. i know the underside of a spotted gar is armored like, unlike the Florida gar has a more soft bottom, that being there jaw, like underneath there bottom jaw. not to sure how to describe it. but as of right now im going off the pattern and at 15 inch's it could be either or.
so you say it may be a Florida? thank you from the quick response to!
also that's good to know! i was worried sick lol! what would your opinion be about throwing a 5 inch wolf fish in there. Colombian wolf fish. just curious and sorry for getting off topic from gar identification!
Always happy to help out other gar keepers. I would assume that it is a Florida, however you may have gotten lucky. I don't want to say I'm 100% sure because I don't want you to think its a something when it's not because of me, but I'm 99% sure that is a Florida Gar.
oh yea, no matter what i will be making sure to give him a great new home. and then i will be moving and i will give him a even better home. upgrading to a 250 gallon. need more room if i plan on throwing some peacock basses in there. but anyways i greatly appreciate your opinion. and i will be paying very close attention to his pattern and through some better pictures up for a closer look at him!
250 gallons will definitely be a great home which will suit those gars for most of if not all of their lives! He's still a nice looking gar and I would buy him if my tank wasn't already so full of gars! Tell me how the peacock bass and gar combo works out as I'm interested in trying that combo myself.