did wc like usual. afterward georgie didnt look so well, so i test the water. everything was okay except Nitrite was aliitle hight .25. after a few hours he went back to normal. woke up in the morning, did my usual feeding before work. everything sameOsame, george was acting normal and eating. 7pm and wifey calls, george doesnt look to well and you need to get home. finish up at work and rush home to find george bellie up.
hotdog (bichir) and Al (pleco) was still alive so i transfer them to the new tank.
the sadest part is not that i didnt make it in time to save him or say goodbye. i didnt make it home to put him in his new tank. he's been looking at me setting up his new home and never had a chance to swim in it. what i would give just for him to swim in his new home, even if it was just for alittle while. why couldnt he waited for me to come home. WHY!
every time i look at the new tank , i cant help but to think about him.