• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

GIANT gouramis

I honestly have not had ANY compatibility issues at all. I've had them with Oscars - buddies, in fact - so I am sure that there are a few individuals that will become more aggressive. So, in fact, when presented with the idea of silver dollars, it doesn't even cross my mind that they will be an issue per se.
Mine have been kept with everything, from small tetras, to Pacu, Oscars, and the like.
I like to see them as community fish that get huge.
But then again, it seems there are a few nasty ones.
I agree with Santoury, but it all depends on how the fish is raised.

If you keep your GG with other fish as a juvie, it will adjust to having other fish in it's territory.

It can't just be a couple of small fish either, it has to be other fish that the GG will be interacting with on a daily basis (i.e. other medium to larger growing fish). This helps, but we all know it's not a guarantee. There will always be cranky ones that just don't like to 'play nice'.

If the gourami is raised solo, it won't allow anything else into it's territory.

Cohazard - Interesting input about being raised alone vs raised with others.
I'd be interested in hearing how YOURS grew up? I've always had mine in a community setting (community meaning OTHER fish, regardless of size.)
Have you guys found, in fact, that if raised alone, they turn out mean?
The only two differences I personally have seen are 1) SHY, and 2) OUTGOING, but never aggressive.
The first time I kept an RTGG, I raised her with oscars, a small FH, bala sharks, and polypterus.

I never had problems with it attacking the other fish and vice versa.

My two current RTGG are also being raised with a couple oscars, polypterus, sevs, and geo's.

The two RTGG keep any quarreling to themselves, but have been arguing less and less as they're growing.

I based my last response on some posts I've read around the net. Can't remember exactly where because I wasn't in that 'research mode' where I save my sources, but the jist of what I read was other's trying to add fish with their sub-adult to full grown GG's with ill effect.

However, if the enclosure is spacious enough, it probably wouldn't be such a big deal.

Oh side note, Santoury, I picked up a juvie Gold/pink GG last weekend! :D $10!). It looks just like 426Hemis'. I want to get more, but don't have the space. I'm saving the last slot in my current tank for a grey gouramy.
Cohazard - AWESOME!!! I have 2 of the golds myself - Sounds like we all are in business lol Great pickup! Great price. Where?
And $10 - wow! How big? Got a pic?
Thanks dude, it's a good sized juvie, about 5"

I picked it up in Long Beach at Tom's Tropical fish store. They have a whole tank full of them.

I'm tempted to get another but I can't see any differences in them, and I'd prefer to keep all my gouramies in pairs.

No pics yet (that's why I've been hesitant to mention it lol), I've been letting it settle in for a week before I freak it out with the camera.

Hopefully pics this weekend. I wasn't happy with the pics I was supposed to post last weekend of my juvie RTGG, so I'll try again this weekend, as well as the promised video of them destroying lettuce with the *surprise* fish. ;)

By *surprise* I mean a fish that you wouldn't typically think of eating lettuce, but I guess it learned from my GG's?
Awesome! Can't wait...

Let me guess.... Oscar eating lettuce? lol
That's one of them, but specifically it's my EBJD :)

I thought it was so weird to see him eating lettuce.
nice pick up as far as aggression goes my 2 started off with a bunch of other fish then I had to move them inta a 90 gal with a pair of GTs then into the 220 its odd that the male is the only agro one killed the aro had a hell of a fight with a blackbelt but the cats are fine (channel,pleco,suncat)