GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
is lettuce a good staple for them?
i know they pretty much eat anything, but what should i be keeping the most of on hand, pellets?
so i guess the best thing i have to go on is to try and keepthem with stuff while young to acclimate them to community life befoer they get big enough tio do some real damage. would the SD's be big enough for that. i would probably keep them in there for a while to get them beefed up a little and to aclimate THEM before the GG.
and as for the GG itself, RT, gold, albino, leusistic? which should i get. i kind of dig leusistic fish but cant really find them by me.
I doubt there is any personality variation based on species or color morphs.

There is a size difference I believe between O. gouramy (reaching appx 30-36") and O. laticlavius (reaching appx. 24").

I won't be able to confirm/correct this until a couple years from now, but I will when I can. :)

Personally, I don't use a staple food anymore. Everything I feed gets an equal rotation.

The lettuce is an every day thing, but isn't the only thing my GG's get fed in a single day. I rotate hikari cichlid gold, shrimp pellets, spirulina discs, frozen krill, freeze dried plankton, etc...

Which one you pick is up to you. If you can only find a single type available, you'll save money by going with whats available in your area, but if you truly want THE one you want, you should buy one online, and the higher price will be justified.

VERY NICE, bogwood

As for lettuce - Lettuce is basically cellulose. Definitely not a good "staple" - You're right about the pellets - just vary the diet as much as you can. They will eat meat, but not very fondly. They love assorted veggies, pellets, flakes, and so on. Each individual does seem to have a favorite food. Try to find what yours is, and treat him occassionally as well. It's fun!

Just picked up another red tail - he had been beaten up badly and dropped off at a LFS - He is about 8 inches. He may or may not be blind in one eye. Time will tell. Not the prettiest fish but very personable, and has a rough life prior to this.
so they will eat pretty much anything? good. i've heard about alot of people feeding more 'people' food then fish food, like just various fruits and veggies. should i stick more to the premade 'fish' food or 'people' food?
and they eat mostly the same stuff as juvies and adults, right?
just MUCH more :D
People food is good too LOL - mine liked pasta :) Babies leave plants alone, but as they get older they eat more and more plant matter - so don't expect babies to be eating a lot of vegetation yet. (Such as ours) Just a wide variety of food is good.
santoury;906608; said:
VERY NICE, bogwood

As for lettuce - Lettuce is basically cellulose. Definitely not a good "staple" - You're right about the pellets - just vary the diet as much as you can. They will eat meat, but not very fondly. They love assorted veggies, pellets, flakes, and so on. Each individual does seem to have a favorite food. Try to find what yours is, and treat him occassionally as well. It's fun!

Just picked up another red tail - he had been beaten up badly and dropped off at a LFS - He is about 8 inches. He may or may not be blind in one eye. Time will tell. Not the prettiest fish but very personable, and has a rough life prior to this.
Thanks!! I think that this thread should be made a sticky.
A giant gourami sticky - great idea!!!! Promote these guys!
Do any of yous have a big pond? Put all of ours in there and grow out for breeding projects?
Hello Everyone,

I had some experience with gouramis before. Years ago I kept one with a Pacu in a 125 gal tank and they always fought against each other and left the other tank mates alone (Oscar and gar). I moved the GG to a brackish water tank (I read some where that they are capable of living in Brackish water). It got along well with my scats, but chased the archer fish like crazy. Had to part with him as I had to leave the country temporarily.

I started up a 75 gal tank recently with a small gg (4 inches) and a Red tailed catfish (8 inches), which replaced a 4 inch arowana that was killed by the GG. The GG on occasion nips the fins of the RTC especially during feeding time. I feed mine bloodworms (freeze dried), shrimp, lettuce, and hikari pellets.