GIANT gouramis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hey Junito
I've never heard of one going into brackish - That's news to me. How did he do?
Your diet sounds good - but maybe a little more variety? Does he like lettuce at this young size? That's early
The gourami did very well. I read somewhere on a website that mentioned that they are found in brackish/freshwater environments. I put him in my Brackish water tank out of desperation (kept fighting with the Pacu). The only problem I had was that he/she killed my poor archer fish.
Sorry to hear about the archer. Your story and a few others are interesting in that they take an intense dislike to ONE other fish... (Never had that happen myself)
junito;908463; said:
The gourami did very well. I read somewhere on a website that mentioned that they are found in brackish/freshwater environments. I put him in my Brackish water tank out of desperation (kept fighting with the Pacu). The only problem I had was that he/she killed my poor archer fish.

This was the website:

The gourami did quite well.

I miss my old set up. Took many years for my Scats to grow to the size that they did (10"). I lost most of my fish during the 2003 blackout :cry:, and just gave up keeping fish for a while. Now I recently visited a LFS and saw a beautiful pink specimen, with red fins (never saw one that color before) and I quickly snatched it for $10. Now I am back into the hobby.

I know the gourami is young for eating plants. I learned the hard way, he nibbled away all my amazon swords. I leave a leaf of lettuce once in a while and he ravishes it.
is it recomended or just possible
I would think "just possible" - I have never heard of any recommendation for this or any other gourami, for brackish water keeping.
But if you want to play around, and it works, so be it. They are normally kept in full freshwater.
Cohazard;903982; said:
The first time I kept an RTGG, I raised her with oscars, a small FH, bala sharks, and polypterus.

I never had problems with it attacking the other fish and vice versa.

My two current RTGG are also being raised with a couple oscars, polypterus, sevs, and geo's.

The two RTGG keep any quarreling to themselves, but have been arguing less and less as they're growing.

I based my last response on some posts I've read around the net. Can't remember exactly where because I wasn't in that 'research mode' where I save my sources, but the jist of what I read was other's trying to add fish with their sub-adult to full grown GG's with ill effect.

However, if the enclosure is spacious enough, it probably wouldn't be such a big deal.

Oh side note, Santoury, I picked up a juvie Gold/pink GG last weekend! :D $10!). It looks just like 426Hemis'. I want to get more, but don't have the space. I'm saving the last slot in my current tank for a grey gouramy.

Where are you getting GG for $10 ?? I am looking for one in the 6"+ range, and can't find any....
See my post on your "want" thread. You can find babies for this kind of price, but larger ones are very hard to find, it seems. They are either HUGE, and nobody wants it, or tiny, for $10.
If I can help you - let me know. I mentioned what I have on there.
In addition, the cheaper ones are actually Osphronemus goramy, not the redtails. O. laticlivus. Basically the same, just a matter of taste.
santoury;910049; said:
See my post on your "want" thread. You can find babies for this kind of price, but larger ones are very hard to find, it seems. They are either HUGE, and nobody wants it, or tiny, for $10.
If I can help you - let me know. I mentioned what I have on there.
In addition, the cheaper ones are actually Osphronemus goramy, not the redtails. O. laticlivus. Basically the same, just a matter of taste.

Thanks. But, those $10 babies don't take long to get to 6"-12" correct? :) so, was hoping to find them at a reasonable price.

I'd love to see more pics of everyone's giant gouramis.