• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
They go on and on about weight with acrylic. I think about the filled tank. Honestly, how many times are going to move it? Weight consideration is minimal at best.
zennzzo;3049009; said:
In my humble opinion, IMHO
So do not tell me what my opinion is, that would be YOUR opinion, one which you are entitle to, as I am mine...

well for some one with over 5000 posts you sure make some rather pointless opinions in my opinion!..and you are rather arrogant to a newcomer to!...what is it you have 5000 posts so you consider your opinions are better than anyone else's?

i made a point that most bigger tanks employ acrylic and any marginal or better light transmission coefficients that result from using such material are offset by the fact these very big acrylic tanks never appear as clear as a 4 ft glass tank anyway...i said:

''I have noticed that most bigger acrylic tanks tend to be homes for the larger fish species and these sort of tanks no matter how efficient the filtration is typically appear more murky and GREEN! than your average 4ft glass neon tetra setup!..''

I was referring to the much hyped clarity issue of perspex over glass.. a fact that is overshadowed by most large tanks which dont in my opinion benefit from such features due to the negative effects of water depth and relative clarity as compared with smaller glass tanks..

Yet you ignored my point..and rather preferred to harp on about water quality and insinuate i need to ''Research my water chemistry needs, and filter accordingly..''..are you taking the p*ss out of me you conceited sh*t?!!!!!!!
coltsr2;3136640; said:
well for some one with over 5000 posts you sure make some rather pointless opinions in my opinion!..and you are rather arrogant to a newcomer to!...what is it you have 5000 posts so you consider your opinions are better than anyone else's?

i made a point that most bigger tanks employ acrylic and any marginal or better light transmission coefficients that result from using such material are offset by the fact these very big acrylic tanks never appear as clear as a 4 ft glass tank anyway...i said:

''I have noticed that most bigger acrylic tanks tend to be homes for the larger fish species and these sort of tanks no matter how efficient the filtration is typically appear more murky and GREEN! than your average 4ft glass neon tetra setup!..''

I was referring to the much hyped clarity issue of perspex over glass.. a fact that is overshadowed by most large tanks which dont in my opinion benefit from such features due to the negative effects of water depth and relative clarity as compared with smaller glass tanks..

Yet you ignored my point..and rather preferred to harp on about water quality and insinuate i need to ''Research my water chemistry needs, and filter accordingly..''..are you taking the p*ss out of me you conceited sh*t?!!!!!!!
and now I'm laughing at you...WTFE!
I just plain prefer the look of glass tanks. I have always felt acrylic tanks look 'plasticy' which to me sort of looks cheap..even though they are more expensive..

maybe its from years of seeing those little plastic 'critter pens' at the pet stores, I don't know..


I wonder how many acrylic tank owners want to kill me now? haha
Cholly;3101138; said:
They go on and on about weight with acrylic. I think about the filled tank. Honestly, how many times are going to move it? Weight consideration is minimal at best.

I have never really understood the weight argument either.

most big tanks you move once and one time only. that is the time you first set it up.

if you are having to move giant tanks all the time, its probably best to wait until you are settled before setting one up anyway.